Survival Kit

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Survival Kit
Icon Block Survival Kit.png

Category: Facility
Function: spawn point, life support, first refinery and assembler

Fits small grid
Mass: 691.0 kg
Power: -0.015 MW
PCU: 140
Size: 4x3x3
Time to Build: 20 sec

Fits large grid
Mass: 1171.0 kg
Power: -0.015 MW
PCU: 140
Size: 1x1x1
Time to Build: 30 sec

Data Controls: [edit] [purge] (?)

The Survival Kit is your first respawn point and Life Support recharge station; it also contains your first primitive refinery and assembler. In contrast to a Medical Room, the Survival Kit is better portable because it can also be built on small mobile grids.

When starting in Survival Mode it is imperative to keep your Survival Kit powered (at minimum with a Solar Panel and Battery) in order to be able to respawn yourself and your Faction members there. The Survival Kit does not serve a function in Creative Mode Gameplay.


Explore your drop pod thouroughly! Together with a battery, the Survival Kit is the first functional block that a player is given in Survival scenarios.

How to heal yourself

The primary function of the Survival Kit is to provide basic Life Support.

Face the front screen with your crosshairs and hold F key to slowly recharge your suit’s power and player health.

If the Survival Kit is conveyored to a source of hydrogen and/or oxygen, the suit’s respective reservoirs will be refilled as well. See also O2 H2 Generator, Oxygen Tank, Hydrogen Tank, and Conveyor system.

The Survival Kit does not, however, refill hydrogen and oxygen bottles in your inventory. See their own pages for more information on bottles.

How to refine materials

Click this icon to refine stone to ingots in a Survival Kit

Until you have established better facilities, the Survival Kit is your basic refining and assembling block. Next to Life Support, its secondary function is as a Stone processing station:

  1. Use your Icon Item Hand Drill.png Hand Drill to gather stone from asteroids or the ground of moons or planets.
  2. Fill the Survival Kit’s inventory with mined Stone.
    Note that it does not start refining automatically.
  3. Face the Survival Kit and press K key to open the Production tab.
  4. Go to the Production > Ingots tab.
  5. CTRL key+SHIFT key+Left click the "Ingots" symbol once to queue up processing 1000 Icon Item Stone.png Stone into materials.

Resupply more mined stone when you run out. With Ingots queued up, it will refine the next 1000 units automatically.

Your Survival Kit extracts traces of basic materials from stone. With default settings, you get the following amount of ingots from 100 stone:

How to assemble components

How to assemble components in the Survival Kit

As soon as you have some extracted materials, return to the Production tab of the Survival Kit and Left click the icons to assemble the components that you need to build your first blocks:

Face the Survival Kit and press K key to open the Production tab.

On the Production > Basic Components tab, you can assemble:

How to Assemble Tools

On the Production>Tools tab:

On the Production>Equipment tab:

On the Production>Weapons tab:

On the Production>Ammo tab:

How to respawn

After death, your Survival Kits are available as possible respawn points on the spawn screen. The location is available for the player who constructed and owns the block. The owner can share the respawn point with faction members who have used the Survival Kit before.

To control whether several respawn points are listed as ready/not ready on the respawn screen, see Enable Autorespawn in the World Settings.

If your world has several Survival Kits, it's recommended to enter a Spawn Name for each. Naming your respawn points makes it easier for you to tell them apart.

How to progress from here

Since the Survival Kit cannot process ores, nor assemble mid-game components, its purpose is to help players progress. During early game, move the Survival Kit from your frail Drop Pod to a safer location with stable power and better protection from hostile drones.

Typical survival strategy:

  1. Refine Icon Item Stone.png Stone into materials. See above.
  2. Assemble materials into basic components. See above.
  3. Build power producing blocks. See Power.
  4. Grind and rebuild the Survival Kit on a powered vehicle or in a powered stationary base.
  5. Build a Basic Refinery.
  6. Build a Basic Assembler.

Important: Grinding down a Survival Kit returns to you all components to rebuild it in the same grid-size. The difference in components to build the large-grid variant is (minimally) 19 extra steel plates. Make sure you have that many extra in your inventory before attempting to rebuild the Survival Kit on a large grid. In a pinch, grind off armor blocks from the drop pod to obtain Steel Plates.

See also How to use respawn points strategically.


The Survival Kit block offers only little inventory space: 1,000 litres on small and 2,000 litres on large grid, and the inventory accepts only stone and the materials and items that it can produce itself.


You can build the Survival Kit on small or large grids. The large-grid variant has 2 large conveyor ports on the sides. The small-grid variant has three conveyor ports in total, 2 small ones on the right side (which convey, for example, stone from a drill) and 1 large port on the left side (which conveys, for example, girders, gas bottles, and solar cells).

Plan placement ahead, especially when you want to integrate its ports into a small-grid vehicle:

  • Make sure there is a safe open space for respawning players in front of the block!
  • Make sure the interactive screen on its front is easily accessible for players.
  • Conveyor the block to an O2 H2 Generator or to gas tanks, so that using it refills the Engineer's suit's hydrogen and oxygen reservoir as well.

Tip: The LCD on its front is customiseable: You can have it display a message to your faction members (text and images), or hydrogen and power levels (script), or the faction logo (script), or whatever you like.


Icon Block Survival Kit.png Survival Kit
ComponentLarge Ship/Station
Large Ship/Station
Small Ship
Small Ship
Icon Item Steel Plate.png Steel Plate201015
Icon Item Motor.png Motor44
Icon Item Medical Components.png Medical Components33
Icon Item Display.png Display11
Icon Item Construction Comp..png Construction Comp.22
Icon Item Computer.png Computer55

Functional Blocks