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Icon Item Gravel.png

Category: Material

Mass: 1 kg
Volume: 0.037 L
Data Controls: [edit] [purge] (?)

Icon Item Gravel.png Gravel is a refined material that could be considered "Stone ingots". It is created by processing Stone in a Survival Kit or in one of the Refineries, or by disassembling components or tools that contain gravel in an Assembler.


Gravel is practically a processed Stone Ingot.

Gravel's most important use is as ingredient for building Reactors: Just keep the necessary amount of gravel (2'000 kg / 40'000 kg respectively per Small/Large Reactor) in storage and discard the rest. The only other use for Gravel is crafting basic tools and datapads, and you can almost always quickly refine the required small amounts of stone for these recipes.

Gravel is used to assemble the following things:


Since it clogs up Cargo Containers and Refineries, Gravel is generally considered a waste product after you have built your reactors. Engineers filter it out with a Conveyor Sorter and discard it using Icon Block Small Connector.png Small Connector or Icon Block Connector.png Connector in "Throw out" mode. Free floating items despawn after a while after you leave. If Gravel doesn't despawn, check your settings in the Admin Screen. Grinder pits ignore free floating items like Gravel and only grind built blocks.


There are mods on the Steam Workshop that make Gravel a more useful material:

Icon Item Cobalt Ingot.png Cobalt Ingot, Icon Item Gold Ingot.png Gold Ingot, Icon Item Iron Ingot.png Iron Ingot, Icon Item Magnesium Powder.png Magnesium Powder, Icon Item Nickel Ingot.png Nickel Ingot, Icon Item Platinum Ingot.png Platinum Ingot, Icon Item Silicon Wafer.png Silicon Wafer, Icon Item Silver Ingot.png Silver Ingot, Icon Item Gravel.png Gravel, Icon Item Uranium Ingot.png Uranium Ingot