Nickel Ingot

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Nickel Ingot
Icon Item Nickel Ingot.png

Category: Material

Mass: 1 kg
Volume: 0.112 L
Data Controls: [edit] [purge] (?)

Icon Item Nickel Ingot.png Nickel Ingots are a refined material. They are created by processing Nickel Ore in a Refinery or disassembling components that contain nickel in their recipe.

Nickel ingots are used to assemble the following components:

Nickel Ingot.png

Nickel ingots are used to assemble the following items:

Icon Item Cobalt Ingot.png Cobalt Ingot, Icon Item Gold Ingot.png Gold Ingot, Icon Item Iron Ingot.png Iron Ingot, Icon Item Magnesium Powder.png Magnesium Powder, Icon Item Nickel Ingot.png Nickel Ingot, Icon Item Platinum Ingot.png Platinum Ingot, Icon Item Silicon Wafer.png Silicon Wafer, Icon Item Silver Ingot.png Silver Ingot, Icon Item Gravel.png Gravel, Icon Item Uranium Ingot.png Uranium Ingot