Inset Cryo Room

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Inset Cryo Room
Icon Block Inset Cryo Room.png

Category: Facility
Function: provides life support when logged out

Fits large grid
Mass: 1142.0 kg
Power: -0.00003 MW
PCU: 15
Size: 1x1x1
Time to Build: 20 sec

Data Controls: [edit] [purge] (?)

The Inset Cryo Room is a decorative block. You can build it only if you have purchased the Decorative Pack 3 DLC.


The Inset Cryo Room is functionally equivalent to the Cryo Chamber, so for usage details, see there. The difference to the Cryo Chamber is that the Inset Cryo Room is a full block with airtight walls on 5 sides. The front of the inset block is open and reveals the Cryo Chamber inside. The block provides built in Control Panel access.


It takes up 1x1x1 large-grid blocks and is only available for large grid. The backside and the bottom connect to a large grid Conveyor system.


Icon Block Inset Cryo Room.png Inset Cryo Room
ComponentLarge Ship/Station
Large Ship/Station
Small Ship
Small Ship
Icon Item Motor.png Motor8
Icon Item Medical Components.png Medical Components3
Icon Item Interior Plate.png Interior Plate3010
Icon Item Display.png Display8
Icon Item Construction Comp..png Construction Comp.20
Icon Item Computer.png Computer30
Icon Item Bulletproof Glass.png Bulletproof Glass10

Functional Blocks