Gatling Gun

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Gatling Gun
Icon Block Gatling Gun.png

Category: Defense
Function: Fires a constant volley of bullets

Fits small grid
Mass: 148.2 kg
Power: -0.0002 MW
PCU: 80
Size: 1x1x4
Time to Build: 13 sec

Data Controls: [edit] [purge] (?)

The Icon Block Gatling Gun.png Gatling Gun is a static compact weapon in Space Engineers that can fire small projectiles in rapid succession.

The Icon Block Warfare Gatling Gun.png Warfare Gatling Gun is a style variant with the same size, recipe, and usage. You can build it only if you have purchased the Warfare 2 Pack DLC.


  • 90 impact damage to blocks; 33 damage to characters or 120 damage if hitting the character's head.
  • Precision: 0.52m group at 100m (up to 0.15 degrees random offset from aiming line).
  • Fires as long as it has ammo without any reload time.
  • 600 RPM fire rate [1] which is one of the highest fire rate weapons alongside the Gatling Turret and the Interior Turret.
  • Projectile travels at 400m/s, vanishes after travelling anywhere between 640m and 800m (randomly chosen per shot[2]) and it is affected by natural gravity.


Gatling Guns have an inventory which can hold a volume of 64L.
It will accept Gatling Ammo Boxes, of which it can hold four.


The Gatling Gun consumes 200 W of power all the time while turned on. Firing does not affect power usage.


You can build it only on small grid. If you connect its port to the conveyor system, this gun can pull ammo automatically from other containers.


Icon Block Gatling Gun.png Gatling Gun
ComponentLarge Ship/Station
Large Ship/Station
Small Ship
Small Ship
Icon Item Steel Plate.png Steel Plate13
Icon Item Small Steel Tube.png Small Steel Tube6
Icon Item Motor.png Motor1
Icon Item Metal Grid.png Metal Grid2
Icon Item Construction Comp..png Construction Comp.1
Icon Item Computer.png Computer1

Functional Blocks
  1. While Weapons.sbc says 700, the game code calculates it as milliseconds between shots. 1000 / (ROF / 60) = ~85ms / 16.666667ms per tick = ~5.1 ticks between shots, and it's not designed to round so it ends up being 6 ticks resulting in 10 shots per second or 600 RPM.
  2. in MyProjectile.Start() it does m_maxTrajectory *= MyUtils.GetRandomFloat(0.8f, 1f);