Small Steel Tube

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The Small Steel Tube is used in the construction of many structural and afew functional blocks, such as catwalks, wheels, conveyors, and some furniture. It is not only one of the smallest components, but it also takes up little space in inventories. It cannot be assembled in a Survival Kit which requires you to salvage them early on.

Item small steel tubes.png


Small Steel Tube is required to construct the following blocks:

  • Airtight Hangar Door
  • All Access Panels
  • All Conveyor Pipes
  • All Grated Catwalks
  • All Grated Stairs
  • All Half Grated Catwalks
  • All Neon Tubes
  • All Passage blocks
  • All Railings
  • All Rotors
  • All Scaffold Blocks
  • All Steel Catwalks
  • All Wheel Suspensions
  • Antenna
  • Autocannon
  • Autocannon Turret
  • Bathroom
  • Beacon
  • Bed
  • Cargo Crate
  • Collector
  • Connector
  • Conveyor Converter
  • Conveyor Frame
  • Conveyor Junction
  • Conveyor Junction
  • Conveyor Sorter
  • Conveyor Tube
  • Conveyor Tube T Junction
  • Corner Medical Room
  • Curved Conveyor Tube
  • Decoy
  • Diagonal Window
  • Door
  • Exhaust Pipe
  • Explosive Barrel
  • Gate
  • Gatling Gun
  • Gatling Turret
  • Grinder
  • Half Bed
  • Half Bed Open
  • Half Sliding Hatch Door
  • Hydrogen Engine
  • Hydrogen Tank
  • Industrial Cockpit
  • Industrial Conveyor Sorter
  • Industrial Hydrogen Tank
  • Inset Aquarium
  • Inset Bed
  • Inset Couch
  • Interior Pillar
  • Interior Turret
  • Ladder
  • Ladder Shaft
  • Large Cargo Container
  • Large Industrial Cargo Container
  • Laser Antenna
  • Medical Room
  • Medium Conveyor Tube
  • Merge Block
  • Offset Door
  • Oxygen Farm
  • Oxygen Tank
  • Parachute Hatch
  • Pistons (but not piston heads)
  • Planters
  • Power Efficiency Module
  • Reinforced Conveyor Tube
  • Reinforced Conveyor Tube T Junction
  • Reinforced Curved Conveyor Tube
  • Reloadable Rocket Launcher
  • Round Beacon
  • Scaffold Block Ladder
  • Shower
  • Sliding Door
  • Sliding Hatch Door
  • Small Cargo Container
  • Small Connector
  • Small Conveyor Sorter
  • Small Hydrogen Tank
  • Small Merge Block
  • Speed Module
  • Storage Shelf 1
  • Target Dummy
  • Toilet
  • Toilet Seat
  • Vertical Window
  • Walkable Half Scaffold Block
  • Walkable Scaffold Block
  • Walkable Scaffold Block Corner
  • Walkable Scaffold Block Corner Inv.
  • Warfare Gatling Gun
  • Warfare Hangar Door
  • Warfare Hangar Door 2
  • Warfare Hangar Door Windowed
  • Warhead
  • Welder
  • Yield Module