Interior Plate

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The Interior Plate is a component item used in constructing various blocks. You can produce them easily in early game in a Survival Kit. In particular, it is needed for structures usually found inside of ships and stations: Interior Walls, Ramps, Steel Catwalks, furniture, etc. Another category are Conveyors and Automaton blocks.

Item interior plate.png


Interior Plate are required to construct the following blocks:

  • AI Basic (Task)
  • AI Defensive (Combat)
  • AI Flight (Move)
  • AI Offensive (Combat)
  • AI Recorder (Task)
  • All Access Panels
  • Angled Interior Wall A
  • Angled Interior Wall B
  • Armory
  • Armory Lockers
  • Automaton Sensor
  • Automaton Timer Block
  • Bathroom
  • Bed
  • All Bridge Windows
  • Buggy Cockpit
  • Button Panel
  • Button Panel Pedestal
  • Chairless Desk
  • Chairless Desk Corner
  • Chairless Desk Corner Inv.
  • Console Block
  • Control Panel Pedestal
  • Control Seat
  • Control Station
  • Conveyor Cap
  • Conveyor Cap Medium
  • Conveyor Converter
  • Conveyor Frame
  • Conveyor Junction
  • All Conveyor Pipes
  • Conveyor Sorter
  • Conveyor Tube
  • Conveyor Tube T Junction
  • Corner Couch
  • Corner Medical Room
  • Couch
  • Cryo Chamber
  • Curved Conveyor Tube
  • Curved LCD Panel
  • Custom Turret Controller
  • Cylindrical Column
  • Desk
  • Desk Corner
  • Desk Corner Inv.
  • Diagonal Window
  • Dispenser
  • Door
  • Emotion Controller
  • Event Controller
  • Fighter Cockpit
  • Flight Seat
  • Freight 1
  • Freight 2
  • Freight 3
  • Grated Half Stairs
  • Grated Half Stairs Mirrored
  • Grated Stairs
  • Half Bed
  • Half Bed Open
  • Helm
  • Industrial Conveyor Sorter
  • Inset Aquarium
  • Inset Bed
  • Inset Bookshelf
  • Inset Button Panel
  • Inset Couch
  • Inset Cryo Room
  • Inset Entertainment Corner
  • Inset Kitchen
  • Inset LCD Panel
  • Inset Light
  • Interior Pillar
  • Interior Wall
  • Jukebox
  • Kitchen
  • LCD Panel
  • Lab Equipment
  • Ladder
  • Ladder Shaft
  • Large Cargo Container
  • Large Industrial Cargo Container
  • Light Panel
  • Lockers
  • Medical Room
  • Medical Station
  • Medium Cargo Container
  • Medium Conveyor Tube
  • All Neon Tubes
  • All Passages
  • Passenger Bench
  • Passenger Seat
  • Passenger Seat Offset
  • Pipeworks A
  • Pipeworks B
  • Planters
  • Ramp
  • Reinforced Conveyor Tube
  • Reinforced Conveyor Tube T Junction
  • Reinforced Curved Conveyor Tube
  • Reloadable Rocket Launcher
  • Remote Control
  • Rover Cockpit
  • Saddle Cockpit
  • Saddle Cockpit Compact
  • Scaffold Block Ladder
  • Sci-Fi Bar Counter
  • Sci-Fi Bar Counter Corner
  • Sci-Fi Control Panel
  • Sci-Fi Four-Button Panel
  • Sci-Fi Interior Wall
  • Sci-Fi LCD Panel 3x3
  • Sci-Fi LCD Panel 5x3
  • Sci-Fi LCD Panel 5x5
  • Sci-Fi One-Button Terminal
  • Sci-Fi Sliding Door
  • Sensor
  • Shower
  • Sloped LCD Panel
  • Small Cargo Container
  • Small Conveyor
  • Small Conveyor Sorter
  • Small Conveyor Tube
  • Small Conveyor Tube T Junction
  • Small Curved Conveyor Tube
  • Small Reinforced Conveyor Tube
  • Small Reinforced Conveyor Tube T Junction
  • Small Reinforced Curved Conveyor Tube
  • Sound Block
  • Spotlight
  • Stairs
  • Steel Catwalk
  • Steel Catwalk Corner
  • Steel Catwalk Plate
  • Steel Catwalk Two Sides
  • Storage Shelf 1
  • Text Panel
  • Timer Block
  • Toilet
  • Toilet Seat
  • Twin-blade Wind Turbine
  • Vending Machine
  • Vertical Button Panel
  • Vertical Window
  • All Warning Signs
  • Weapon Rack
  • Wide LCD Panel
  • All Willis Ducts
  • Wind Turbine