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The Motor is a component item commonly used in the construction of functional blocks. It requires readily available materials and can be produced in early game in a Survival Kit.

Item motor.png


Motors are required to construct the following blocks:

  • AI Basic (Task)
  • AI Defensive (Combat)
  • AI Flight (Move)
  • AI Offensive (Combat)
  • AI Recorder (Task)
  • ATM
  • Air Vent (Fan) (Full)
  • Airtight Hangar Door
  • All Atmospheric Thrusters
  • All Conveyor Pipes
  • All Hangar Doors
  • All Wheel Suspensions
  • Artillery Turret
  • Assault Cannon Turret
  • Assembler
  • Autocannon
  • Autocannon Turret
  • Automaton Programmable Block
  • Basic Assembler
  • Basic Refinery
  • Bathroom
  • Buggy Cockpit
  • Cab Cockpit
  • Cargo Crate
  • Cockpit
  • Collector
  • Connector
  • Contracts block
  • Control Seat
  • Control Station
  • Conveyor Converter
  • Conveyor Frame
  • Conveyor Junction
  • Conveyor Sorter
  • Conveyor Tube
  • Conveyor Tube T Junction
  • Cryo Chamber
  • Curved Conveyor Tube
  • Custom Turret Controller
  • Dispenser
  • Door
  • Drill
  • Exhaust Pipe
  • Fighter Cockpit
  • Flight Seat
  • Gate
  • Gatling Gun
  • Gatling Turret
  • Gravity Generator
  • Grinder
  • Gyroscope
  • Half Sliding Hatch Door
  • Heat Vent
  • Helm
  • Hinges (but not Hinge parts)
  • Holo LCD
  • Hydrogen Engine
  • Industrial Assembler
  • Industrial Cockpit
  • Industrial Conveyor Sorter
  • Industrial Refinery
  • Inset Aquarium
  • Inset Cryo Room
  • Inset Kitchen
  • Interior Turret
  • Kitchen
  • Lab Equipment
  • Landing Gear
  • Large (Industrial) Cargo Container
  • Large Magnetic Plate
  • Large (Warfare) Reactor
  • Laser Antenna
  • Magnetic Plate
  • Medical Station
  • Medium Cargo Container
  • Medium Conveyor Tube
  • Merge Block
  • O2/H2 Generator
  • Offset Door
  • Ore Detector
  • Parachute Hatch
  • Pistons (but not Piston heads)
  • Power Efficiency Module
  • Programmable Block
  • Projector
  • Refinery
  • Reinforced Conveyor Tube
  • Reinforced Conveyor Tube T Junction
  • Reinforced Curved Conveyor Tube
  • Reloadable Rocket Launcher
  • Remote Control
  • Rocket Launcher
  • Rocket Turret
  • Rotating Light
  • Rotors (but not Rotor parts)
  • Rover Cockpit
  • Saddle Cockpit (Compact)
  • Sci-Fi Atmospheric Thruster
  • Sci-Fi Bar Counter
  • Sci-Fi Bar Counter Corner
  • Sci-Fi Large Atmospheric Thruster
  • Sci-Fi Sliding Door
  • Searchlight
  • Sliding Door
  • Sliding Hatch Door
  • Small Cargo Container
  • Small Connector
  • Small Conveyor
  • Small Conveyor Sorter
  • Small Conveyor Tube
  • Small Conveyor Tube T Junction
  • Small Curved Conveyor Tube
  • Small Merge Block
  • Small (Warfare) Reactor
  • Small Reinforced Conveyor Tube
  • Small Reinforced Conveyor Tube T Junction
  • Small Reinforced Curved Conveyor Tube
  • Speed Module
  • Spherical Gravity Generator
  • Storage Shelf 2
  • Store
  • Survival Kit
  • Target Dummy
  • Toilet
  • Toilet Seat
  • Twin-blade Wind Turbine
  • Vending Machine
  • Warfare Gatling Gun
  • Warfare Rocket Launcher
  • Welder
  • Wind Turbine
  • Yield Module