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Explosives are a component item used in construction. Explosives can also be detonated in world by a shot from a Weapon. They are a mid-game item since you cannot build Explosives in a Survival Kit or Basic Assembler, you need a full Assembler.

Item explosives.png


The explosion radius of a stack of Explosives is 10 cm * (number of Explosives in a stack), it scales linearly up to 125m, and causes roughly 54% damage to a Light Armor Block. Explosives are rather compact for their punch.

Detonating explosives remotely by shooting them with a rifle. Please stand back.


Explosives do not have to be assembled into a block to be dangerous: If the items are dropped in the world, they explode when shot. However, using Character Weapons or Icon Item Flare Gun.png Flare Guns to detonate a pile of Explosives does not necessarily lead to linear explosion size and force.

Furthermore, randomly placing explosives may lead to server clean up removing them as a floating object. But, as an impromptu weapon and improvised explosive device, they make swift anti-personal mines and breaching charges.


Explosives are only required to construct one block: