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A Computer is a component item used in the construction of a variety of functional blocks. They are used in things ranging from Cockpits, antennas, LCDs, control blocks, weapons, to doors. They are easy to produce, even in early game in a Survival Kit, but they are heavy.


Blocks built with Computers have ownership and can be hacked. This fact is also relevant in battle because AI controlled turrets aim at owned blocks (i.e., not at armor).

Item computers.png


Computers are required to construct the following blocks:

  • AI Basic (Task)
  • AI Defensive (Combat)
  • AI Flight (Move)
  • AI Offensive (Combat)
  • AI Recorder (Task)
  • ATM
  • Access Panel 1
  • Access Panel 3
  • Air Vent
  • Air Vent Fan
  • Air Vent Fan Full
  • Air Vent Full
  • Airtight Hangar Door
  • All Colorable Solar Panels
  • All Corner LCDs
  • All Hinges (not Hinge Parts)
  • All Pistons (not Piston Heads)
  • All Rotors (not Rotor Parts)
  • All Warfare Hangar Doors
  • Antenna
  • Antenna Dish
  • Artificial Mass
  • Artillery
  • Artillery Turret
  • Assault Cannon
  • Assault Cannon Turret
  • Assembler
  • Autocannon
  • Autocannon Turret
  • Automaton Programmable Block
  • Automaton Sensor
  • Automaton Timer Block
  • Basic Assembler
  • Basic Refinery
  • Battery
  • Beacon
  • Buggy Cockpit
  • Button Panel
  • Button Panel Pedestal
  • Cab Cockpit
  • Camera
  • Cockpit
  • Collector
  • Connector
  • Console Block
  • Contracts
  • Control Panel
  • Control Panel Pedestal
  • Control Seat
  • Control Station
  • Conveyor Sorter
  • Corner Medical Room
  • Cryo Chamber
  • Curved LCD Panel
  • Custom Turret Controller
  • Decoy
  • Dispenser
  • Door
  • Drill
  • Emotion Controller
  • Event Controller
  • Explosive Barrel
  • Fighter Cockpit
  • Firework Launcher
  • Flight Seat
  • Gate
  • Gatling Gun
  • Gatling Turret
  • Gravity Generator
  • Grinder
  • Gyroscope
  • Half Sliding Hatch Door
  • Helm
  • Holo LCD
  • Hydrogen Engine
  • Hydrogen Tank
  • Industrial Assembler
  • Industrial Cockpit
  • Industrial Conveyor Sorter
  • Industrial Hydrogen Tank
  • Industrial Refinery
  • Inset Button Panel
  • Inset Cryo Room
  • Inset Entertainment Corner
  • Inset LCD Panel
  • Interior Turret
  • Jukebox
  • Jump Drive
  • LCD Panel
  • Large Cargo Container
  • Large Industrial Cargo Container
  • Large Reactor
  • Large Warfare Reactor
  • Laser Antenna
  • Lockers
  • Medical Room
  • Medium Cargo Container
  • Merge Block
  • O2/H2 Generator
  • Offset Door
  • Ore Detector
  • Oxygen Farm
  • Oxygen Tank
  • Parachute Hatch
  • Programmable Block
  • Projector
  • Railgun
  • Refinery
  • Reloadable Rocket Launcher
  • Remote Control
  • Rocket Launcher
  • Rocket Turret
  • Round Beacon
  • Rover Cockpit
  • Saddle Cockpit
  • Saddle Cockpit Compact
  • Safe Zone
  • Sci-Fi Control Panel
  • Sci-Fi Four-Button Panel
  • Sci-Fi LCD Panel 3x3
  • Sci-Fi LCD Panel 5x3
  • Sci-Fi LCD Panel 5x5
  • Sci-Fi One-Button Terminal
  • Sci-Fi Sliding Door
  • Searchlight
  • Sensor
  • Sliding Door
  • Sliding Hatch Door
  • Sloped LCD Panel
  • Small Battery
  • Small Cargo Container
  • Small Connector
  • Small Conveyor Sorter
  • Small Hydrogen Tank
  • Small Merge Block
  • Small Reactor
  • Small Warfare Reactor
  • Solar Panel
  • Sound Block
  • Space Ball
  • Speed Module
  • Spherical Gravity Generator
  • Store
  • Survival Kit
  • Target Dummy
  • Text Panel
  • Timer Block
  • Top Mounted Camera
  • Transparent LCD
  • Twin-blade Wind Turbine
  • Vending Machine
  • Vertical Button Panel
  • Warfare Battery
  • Warfare Gatling Gun
  • Warfare Rocket Launcher
  • Warhead
  • Welder
  • Wide LCD Panel
  • Wind Turbine