Metal Grid

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Metal Grid is a component item used in the construction of blocks. Since they require Cobalt, and you cannot build them in a Survival Kit. The first time you can assemble them is at the entry point to the mid-game when you have a Basic Assembler.

All heavy armor blocks, thrusters, and block weapons require Metal Grids. Metal Grids are also required to build facilities and heavy machinery, such as Assemblers, Refineries, Gyroscopes, Medical Rooms, and Safe Zones.

Item metal grid.png


Note: The Metal Grids listed as optional components for the Storage Shelf 2 are an exception, since it only stores them.

Metal Grids are required to construct the following blocks:

  • All Atmospheric Thrusters
  • All hydrogen Thrusters
  • All Heavy Armor Blocks
  • Artillery
  • Artillery Turret
  • Assault Cannon
  • Assault Cannon Turret
  • Assembler
  • Autocannon
  • Autocannon Turret
  • Corner Medical Room
  • Embrasure
  • Fighter Cockpit
  • Gatling Gun
  • Gatling Turret
  • Gyroscope
  • Industrial Assembler
  • Industrial Cockpit
  • Industrial Refinery
  • Jump Drive
  • Large Cargo Container
  • Large Industrial Cargo Container
  • Large Reactor
  • Large Warfare Reactor
  • Medical Room
  • Refinery
  • Reloadable Rocket Launcher
  • Rocket Launcher
  • Rocket Turret
  • Safe Zone
  • Small Cargo Container
  • Small Reactor
  • Small Warfare Reactor
  • Stacked Barrels
  • Storage Shelf 2
  • Warfare Gatling Gun
  • Warfare Rocket Launcher