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Getting illegal access to a cockpit using grinder and welder (hacking mechanic)

Hacking is a game mechanic that transfers ownership of a functional block from players or NPCs to the hacker. Ownership controls who can use a block in Survival Mode.

Hacking is used in situations where you can’t use the Control Panel Screen to transfer ownership legally, typically due to piracy. In short, you “hack” a functional block by grinding away all of its Computer parts, and then rewelding the block.

Why do I need hacking?

When capturing a ship or station owned by players or NPCs of an enemy faction, you will be unable to open doors, to access cargo containers, to take the ammo out of turrets, to use the cockpit, to change thruster or gyro settings, and so on. Also, NPC ships will despawn unless you claim ownership of them. To be able to interact with pirated blocks and ships (beyond destruction), you need to hack them.

How to gain ownership of a block?

Construction tooltip in the HUD showing the functional line and the hacked line of a block

To gain ownership of a functional block:

  1. Grind the block with a handheld Grinder (Tool) until you disassemble the computer parts.
  2. Keep an eye on the tooltip on the HUD, it shows your hacking progress.
    • A red horizontal marker indicates the functional line. Components above the marker are optional and only provide armor. When a block is grinded (or damaged) "below the functional line", it stops functioning.
    • A dark blue horizontal line indicates when the block is "hacked", that is, it has lost all Icon Item Computer.png Computer components and lost its original ownership.
  3. Use a handheld Welder (Tool) to weld the Icon Item Computer.png Computer to gain ownership.
  4. Use a handheld Welder (Tool) to weld the other components "above functional" so the block becomes functional again.

Did you know? Welding up the Icon Item Computer.png Computers is the act that assigns ownership to the hacking player.

How to claim an NPC ship before it despawns?

The Claim button.

Hacking only gives you access to that one block, what about the whole NPC ship, how do you transfer ownership to yourself after hacking the blocks? You need to claim the NPC ship.

Is hacking “illegal”?

Stealing other players' blocks is a PvP move. The game does not punish players for hacking; there is no built-in NPC police force. Hacking blocks belonging to a faction (including NPC factions) will lower your reputation with them.

What can be hacked?

Decorative blocks and armor cannot be hacked nor owned. Only functional blocks and grids have ownership and can be hacked. Hackers transfer grid ownership to themselves on the Control Panel Screen after all functional blocks have been hacked.

Why can’t I hack this?

The owner of a Safe Zone can disallow grinding and welding inside. In this case, you cannot hack any blocks inside the Safe Zone, either.

Alternatives (Mods)

Some mods simplify the hacking rules so you do not have to hack all functional blocks, but only certain control blocks: