Grinder (Tool)

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Icon Item Grinder.png

Category: Tool
Status: Functional

Dismantles blocks and retrieves their components

Mass: 3 kg
Volume: 20 L

Data Controls: [edit] [purge] (?)

The handheld Icon Item Grinder.png Grinder is a tool in Space Engineers. Its primary use is to break down ship and station blocks and salvage the components. Its secondary uses are hacking, melee combat, and felling trees.

The Grinder (Tool) is one of the tools that every player spawns with, along with the Icon Item Welder.png Welder and Icon Item Hand Drill.png Hand Drill.

The upgraded versions of the Grinder (Tool) grind increasingly faster than the standard Grinder (Tool).

Grinder Speed Reach
Icon Item Grinder.png Standard x 1.0 x 1.0
Icon Item Enhanced Grinder.png Enhanced x 1.5 x 1.2
Icon Item Proficient Grinder.png Proficient x 2.0 x 1.4
Icon Item Elite Grinder.png Elite x 5.0 x 1.6


The underside of the grinder blade has text on it

In survival mode, a grinder is a tool that disassembles blocks into reusable components. Using a handheld grinder tool drains suit energy. For larger grinding projects, use the ship-mounted Grinder (Block) instead.

How to equip the grinder

  1. Make sure you have the Grinder item in your inventory.
  2. Open the Toolbar config by pressing G key.
  3. In the Character Tools section, drag the Grinder Tool to assign it to a toolbar slot.
  4. Press ESC key to close the window.

How to salvage blocks

To break down blocks into components:

  1. Press the slot number to equip the Grinder in your hand.
  2. Aim at a block.
  3. Look at the HUD tooltip in the top right to see which block you are aiming at. (Toggle the HUD by pressing TAB key.)
  4. Left-click a block and hold to disassemble the block into its components.
  5. Watch the tooltip on the top right to see you how far you are.

Grinding fills up your inventory quickly with components, and then proceeds to drop components on the ground or lets them float away in zero gravity. While grinding, regularly pause to empty your inventory into a cargo container. Press F key to pick up dropped components.

Tip: Alternatively, double-Left-click to switch the grinder on (or off) without having to hold the mouse button pressed.

How to hack (PvP/PvE)

Main article: Hacking

Hacking is a game mechanic that transfers ownership of a functional block to you. A block owned by another player or NPC can be "hacked" by grinding away all of its Icon Item Computer.png Computer components, and then re-welding the block back up.

The disadvantage of using a faster-tier grinder is that you sometimes accidentally dismantle the whole block (and the one behind it) when you may have wanted to just hack it. Use the slowest grinder for precision hacking.

How to board an enemy ship (PvP/PvE)

It can be lucrative to sabotage an enemy ship using the Grinder: Hacking or dismantling their turrets, disassembling essential blocks such as enemy Reactors, Medical Rooms, and Refineries, grinding weaker wall armor blocks instead of doors, emptying the enemy's hacked cargo containers and connectors, before making a swift escape with the stolen components.

Unlike the standard "Fireworks Show" of mutual PvP destruction, a “hack and salvage” strategy makes a boarding raid profitable.

How to do melee combat (PvP)

In hand-to-hand combat, a Grinder (Tool) has a higher damage output than pistols or rifles, but it has very low reach. Since rifles also use ammunition, the Grinder is a far more effective melee weapon for PvP, but best used only in a close-up ambush in tight places.

The cheapest Grinder is as deadly as the Elite Grinder, so it's not worth taking expensive Grinders into close quarter combat (CQC).


You craft the Grinder (Tool) from the Tools tab in the Assembler using the materials listed here. Material values reflect the "Realistic" setting.

Grinder Iron (Fe) Nickel (Ni) Gravel Cobalt (Co) Silicon (Si) Silver (Ag) Platinum (Pt)
Icon Item Grinder.png Standard 3 1 5 0 1 0 0
Icon Item Enhanced Grinder.png Enhanced 3 1 0 2 6 0 0
Icon Item Proficient Grinder.png Proficient 3 1 0 1 2 2 0
Icon Item Elite Grinder.png Elite 3 1 0 1 2 0 2