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Icon Item Datapad.png

Category: Tool
Status: Functional

Stores free-form text and GPS coordinates

Mass: 0.20 kg
Volume: 0.40 L

Data Controls: [edit] [purge] (?)

Datapads are craftable items used to store free-form text and GPS coordinates in game. You can store 1000 letters worth of info in a datapad. Datapads are often found in Icon Block Bed.png Beds.

Datapads and Economy

When Economy is enabled in the World Settings, one free Economy Datapad is always found among the starter equipment in the seat of the Drop Pod and Respawn Space Pod.

Economy Datapads are datapads that contain prewritten text, similar to letters or advertisements written by NPCs. They are for sale in NPC Trading Outposts. Read them to obtain coordinates of random NPC-owned trade stations.


Players use datapads as in-game items to keep and share notes, messages, and GPS coordinates.

After you have crafted or bought a Datapad, put it in your player inventory and Right-click the datapad to read or write it.

How to write a datapad

To edit the text in the datapad:

  1. In your inventory, Right-click the datapad to open it.
  2. Optionally, enter a Datapad name in the first field.
  3. Type your text in the larger field.

You can write normal text and also paste one or more GPS coordinates in Space Engineers' own format. For details, see GPS.

How to store GPS coordinates

To add GPS coordinates to the message:

  1. Go to your GPS screen.
  2. Click the copy the GPS button and press ESC key to close the window.
  3. In your inventory, Right-click the datapad to open it.
  4. Place the caret into the text field and press CTRL key+V key to paste the GPS coordinates into the text.

Repeat this to store several coordinates in one Datapad, each GPS coordinate on one line by itself.

How to receive GPS coordinates

You have received a datapad and want to see where the mentioned GPS coordinates are in your world.

  1. Right-click the datapad in your inventory.
  2. Click the Create GPS Marker button.
    The GPS is temporarily added in grey to your GPS list.
  3. Press ESC key to close the datapad.
  4. Open the GPS screen.
  5. Scroll to the new gray GPS name, select it, and enable the checkbox that says Show On HUD.

This stores the coordinate permanently, even if you lose the Datapad.

Activate Show On HUD immediately after creating the GPS marker, otherwise the entry disappears from your GPS list again.


Datapads are cheap to craft in any Survival Kit's or (Basic) Assembler's Equipment tab.

Iron (Fe) Stone Silicon (Si)
1.00 1.00 5.00