Speed Module

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Speed Module
Icon Block Speed Module.png

Category: Functional
Function: speeds up factories

Fits large grid
Mass: 2508.0 kg
PCU: 1
Size: 1x1x2

Data Controls: [edit] [purge] (?)

The Speed Module is a functional block for the midgame.


Attach it to the mount points on the back of a Icon Block Refinery.png Refinery or an Icon Block Assembler.png Assembler to increase their production speed at the cost of increased power. You can combine it with other modules (Yield Module and Power Efficiency Module) as needed.

This module is ideal in situations where power production is not your bottleneck, where the refinery speed in the World Settings is only 1:1, and it's particularly useful when bulk processing a large amount of the low conversion rate ores (Silver, Gold, Platinum, Uranium, and Magnesium).

On multiplayer servers, Speed Modules cause less performance impact and has lower PCU than building several facilities.

How much speed do we gain

Each attached Speed Module has the same effect on your production as would adding one extra Refinery/Assembler to your factory, as far as speed and power consumption are concerned. However, there is currently a open bug[1] affecting the actual speed gain.

Number Efficiency Power Usage
1 Speed Module 200% 1120 kW
2 Speed Modules 300% 1680 kW
3 Speed Modules 400% 2240 kW
4 Speed Modules 500% 2800 kW



This module was formerly known as the "Productivity Upgrade".


This module, like other modules, takes up a large grid space of 1 x 1 x 2 (Height x Width x Depth ) and is only available to large grids.

It requires the production block to be powered and the module needs to have one or two of its attachment points matched to attachment points of the production block for it to work. If only one attachment point is matched, the resulting effect is halved.


Icon Block Speed Module.png Speed Module
ComponentLarge Ship/Station
Large Ship/Station
Small Ship
Small Ship
Icon Item Steel Plate.png Steel Plate8020
Icon Item Small Steel Tube.png Small Steel Tube20
Icon Item Motor.png Motor4
Icon Item Construction Comp..png Construction Comp.40
Icon Item Computer.png Computer60


Functional Blocks