Autocannon Turret

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Autocannon Turret
Icon Block Autocannon Turret.png

Category: Defense
Function: fast automatic small-grid ship weapon block

Fits small grid
Mass: 870.0 kg
Power: -0.002 MW
Range: 600 m
PCU: 225
Size: 5x4x5
Time to Build: 26 sec

Data Controls: [edit] [purge] (?)

The Autocannon Turret is an automatic small-grid ship weapon block. The Autocannon turret is the automatic version of the static Autocannon, and a significant improvement over the old automatic Gatling Turret in raw stopping power.

Extremely effective against small grids such as fighters and rovers. The telltale sound of an Autocannon Turret firing gives even the most staunch soldier a reason to pause.

The compact and relatively light-weight Autocannon Turret features one of the fastest reload times. It has a medium rate of fire and sends out a high-DPS stream of projectiles that do 500 impact damage each. The trajectory is affected by a significant bullet drop in gravity and its trajectory only reaches 600-800m.


  • 500 impact damage to blocks; 85 damage to characters or 120 damage if hitting the character's head.
  • Precision: 0.87m group at 100m (up to 0.25 degrees random offset from aiming line).
  • Fires as long as it has ammo without any reload time.
  • 150 RPM fire rate.
  • Projectile travels at 400m/s, vanishes after travelling anywhere between 640m and 800m (randomly chosen per shot[1]) and it is affected by natural gravity.
  • 60 kN of recoil force (shooter).


  • The Autocannon Turret can automatically aim and shoot at target types designated in its terminal, by default enemy characters, enemy ships and meteors.
  • It has a configurable detection range up to 600m.
  • Can only target these types: Characters, SmallGrids, LargeGrids, Stations, Meteors, Rockets; of which can be Enemies or Neutrals.
  • The turret rotates at 55 degrees per second and is limited between -10 and 90 degrees elevation.


The Autocannon Turret has an inventory of 72 L which can hold three Autocannon Magazines.


The Autocannon Turret consumes 2 kW of power all the time while turned on. Firing or changing range does not affect power usage.


The Autocannon Turret is 5x5x4 small-grid blocks in size. It has one attachment point on the bottom, and a small conveyor hatch which is also only reachable from the bottom.


Icon Block Autocannon Turret.png Autocannon Turret
ComponentLarge Ship/Station
Large Ship/Station
Small Ship
Small Ship
Icon Item Metal Grid.png Metal Grid6
Icon Item Computer.png Computer10
Icon Item Motor.png Motor4
Icon Item Small Steel Tube.png Small Steel Tube4
Icon Item Construction Comp..png Construction Comp.3010
Icon Item Steel Plate.png Steel Plate1010

Functional Blocks
  1. in MyProjectile.Start() it does m_maxTrajectory *= MyUtils.GetRandomFloat(0.8f, 1f);