Contracts Block

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Contracts Block
Icon Block Contracts Block.png

Category: Functional
Function: interface for Economy contracts

Fits large grid
Mass: 938.0 kg
Power: 0.002 MW
PCU: 10
Size: 1x1x1
Time to Build: 25 sec

Data Controls: [edit] [purge] (?)

Contracts can refer to Contracts Blocks or to the Contracts game mechanic.

If Economy is enabled in the World Settings, you encounter Contracts blocks owned by NPCs on Trading Outposts. In multiplayer, players can build their own Contracts blocks and hence you can encounter them in player-owned outposts. The block displays contracts offered by its owner (either a player or NPC).


Interact with the block to accept missions, and complete contract objectives to receive faction reputation and Space Credits.

When you interact with a Contracts Block’s display, you see an interface with three tabs:

  • The Available Contracts tab lets you browse the list of contracts offered by this block’s owner. It shows the success conditions, collateral, and failure penalties.
  • The Accepted Contracts tab lets you review which contracts you have accepted and what their requirements are.
    • If you fulfill the requirements, this tab is the place where you select the contract and click Finish to get your reward.
    • You can also Abbandon contracts here — at the cost of reputation (and possibly loss of collateral).
  • If you are the owner of the block, the Administration tab lets you create or delete custom contracts that other players can fulfill for you on a multiplayer server.

For all details on how to accept or offer contracts, see Contracts.



Contracts Blocks exist for large grids only. If you want to offer contracts on a multiplayer server, you must build the block on a separate grid (your trading outpost) that you have built and own, that is powered, and that is accessible by prospective customers. For permission reasons, some features don’t work on shared faction grids!

The block has two conveyor ports, one at the bottom and one on the backside. Connect it to a cargo container to be able to pick up acquired goods, and to store items that you offer for sale.

Protect your Contracts block and its cargo container from hostile players, for example, by building your trading outpost on a separate station grid within a Safe Zone.


Icon Block Contracts Block.png Contracts Block
ComponentLarge Ship/Station
Large Ship/Station
Small Ship
Small Ship
Icon Item Steel Plate.png Steel Plate2010
Icon Item Motor.png Motor6
Icon Item Display.png Display4
Icon Item Construction Comp..png Construction Comp.20
Icon Item Computer.png Computer10

Functional Blocks