Rocket Launcher

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Rocket Launcher
Icon Block Rocket Launcher.png

Category: Defense
Function: Launches an explosive rocket

Fits small grid
Mass: 226.2 kg
Power: -0.0002 MW
PCU: 425
Size: 1x1x4
Time to Build: 15 sec

Fits large grid
Mass: 1,713.8 kg
Power: -0.0002 MW
PCU: 825
Size: 1x1x2
Time to Build: 30 sec

Data Controls: [edit] [purge] (?)

The Icon Block Rocket Launcher.png Rocket Launcher is a ship weapon that shoots rockets.

The Warfare Rocket Launcher is a small-grid variant with the same usage, recipe, and size, that you can build only if you have purchased the Warfare 2 Pack DLC.


The Rocket Launcher is a particularly devastating weapon against lightly armored vessels. A single hit from a rocket damages light armor blocks in a 4m radius. Rockets are most effective as a knockout punch to both small- and large-grid ships, specifically in surgical destruction of vital subsystems such as cockpits, thrusters, and reactors. Heavy Armor is much more resilient against rocket attacks.

  • 500 explosive damage with 4m radius
  • Precision: 0.35m group at 100m (up to 0.1 degrees random offset from aiming line).
  • 60 RPM fire rate.
  • Fires as long as it has ammo without any reload time.
  • Rocket travels at 200m/s, self-detonates after travelling 800m and it is not affected by natural gravity.
  • The projectile is a missile type and because of that it can be targeted and destroyed by turrets having "Target Rockets" enabled.


On large grids, the rocket launcher takes up 1x1x2 blocks. It has two large conveyor ports, one on the back end opposite the muzzle, and one on the bottom.

On small grids, its size is 1x1x4 small blocks. It has no conveyor ports, only a manual inventory access port.


The Rocket Launcher consumes 200 W of power all the time while turned on. Firing does not affect power usage.


Rocket Launchers have an inventory with a volume of 240L on small grid and 1,140L on large grid. They will only accept Rockets as ammunition, and it can hold 4 rockets on small grid and 19 on large grid.

  • If a large-grid rocket launcher is connected to a conveyor system, it will automatically pull ammo from other inventories as it runs low.
  • Since the small-grid variant has no conveyor port, you must click the muzzle to access its inventory and reload ammunition manually.

Tip: A Reloadable Rocket Launcher for small-grid ships is also available which can reload automatically when connected to the conveyor system. But since rockets fit through only large conveyor ports, the reloadable variant is very bulky for small-grid ships.

The Rocket Entity

Rockets will self detonate after travelling 800m. The trajectory is not affected by gravity.

When a Rocket Launcher shoots, a Shot Rocket Entity appears. The entity itself looks identical to the dropped rocket's appearance and its hitbox is similar to it in size. The entity appears at a ~125cm distance from the Rocket Launcher's end. This makes a 2-3 small block obstacle/coverage in front of the launcher's end possible. The rockets appear in front of the Rocket Launcher's visible holes, meaning that you cannot build a long 40cm-wide (1 small block wide) tube in front of a Rocket Launcher without an accident, because the individual rockets would collide with the sides of your tube. This problem does not occur for large-grid ships, as all shooting holes of a Large Grid Rocket Launcher are located further away.

The Rocket entity immediately accelerates to 200m/s speed upon being shot and will not go faster. When shooting in the direction of travel from a ship that's travelling faster than 200m/s, the ship will catch up to the Rocket which appeared ~125 meters in front of the Rocket Launcher, and will cause an explosion on impact.


Icon Block Rocket Launcher.png Rocket Launcher
ComponentLarge Ship/Station
Large Ship/Station
Small Ship
Small Ship
Icon Item Computer.png Computer41
Icon Item Motor.png Motor61
Icon Item Large Steel Tube.png Large Steel Tube254
Icon Item Construction Comp..png Construction Comp.82
Icon Item Steel Plate.png Steel Plate201513

Functional Blocks