Button Panel Pedestal

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Button Panel Pedestal
Icon Block Button Panel Pedestal.png

Category: Functional
Function: customizable button panel

Fits small grid
Mass: 96.0 kg
PCU: 5
Size: 1x3x1
Time to Build: 8 sec

Fits large grid
Mass: 96.0 kg
PCU: 5
Size: 1x1x1
Time to Build: 8 sec

Data Controls: [edit] [purge] (?)

The Button Panel Pedestal is a button panel in Space Engineers. For a similar DLC block, see Vertical Button Panel.


It acts as a customizable command console, allowing players to assign Blocks' Control Panel actions to buttons using the Tool Bar configuration menu. For example, you can assign the "Hangar Door-->Open" action to this button. For usage details, see Button Panel.

It looks like a standing pedestal with a button and zero-g ready hand grips.


This block has mount points on the bottom and in the front. It takes up a 1x1x1 block space to build (but you can walk around it) on large grid and 1x1x3 on small grid.


Icon Block Button Panel Pedestal.png Button Panel Pedestal
ComponentLarge Ship/Station
Large Ship/Station
Small Ship
Small Ship
Icon Item Interior Plate.png Interior Plate55
Icon Item Construction Comp..png Construction Comp.5555
Icon Item Computer.png Computer55


In the game files, this block is called Vanilla Vertical Button Panel.

Functional Blocks