Wide LCD Panel

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Wide LCD Panel
Icon Block Wide LCD Panel.png

Category: Functional
Function: LCD display

Fits small grid
Mass: 146.6 kg
Power: 0.0002 MW
PCU: 50
Size: 6x3x1
Time to Build: 6 sec

Fits large grid
Mass: 444.4 kg
Power: 0.0002 MW
PCU: 50
Size: 2x1x1
Time to Build: 8 sec

Data Controls: [edit] [purge] (?)

The Wide LCD Panel is a rectangular LCD panel that is double the width of the standard panels. For alternative blocks, see LCD Panels.


For LCD configuration and usage, see LCD Surface Options.


On large grid, the rectangular wide panel has a 2x1x1 block size. On small grid, it takes up a 6x3x1 block size.


Icon Block Wide LCD Panel.png Wide LCD Panel
ComponentLarge Ship/Station
Large Ship/Station
Small Ship
Small Ship
Icon Item Bulletproof Glass.png Bulletproof Glass122
Icon Item Display.png Display203
Icon Item Computer.png Computer124
Icon Item Construction Comp..png Construction Comp.124
Icon Item Interior Plate.png Interior Plate21

Functional Blocks