Interior Turret

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Interior Turret
Icon Block Interior Turret.png

Category: Defense
Fits large grid
Mass: 311.0 kg
Power: -0.002 MW
Range: 600 m
PCU: 125
Size: 1x1x1
Time to Build: 24 sec

Data Controls: [edit] [purge] (?)

The Icon Block Interior Turret.png Interior Turret is a close-range block weapon in Space Engineers. The Icon Block Interior Turret.png Interior Turret requires the same ammunition as the MR-50A (formely Automatic Rifle) or legacy 5.56x45mm NATO magazines.


The Icon Block Interior Turret.png Interior Turret seeks out hostile targets within a 600m radius. It's a cheap good choice when you need to protect indoor large-grid areas from intruders without shooting through blocks at passing hostiles outside, as larger turrets sometimes do. Place it in difficult to see spots where it can defend a position against players or drones.

How to load ammunition

Under the control panel is an area that looks like a long drawer handle, that's the inventory port. Interact with it by pressing I key and transfer ammunition from your character to the turret. Remember to refill it, without conveyor port, this turret cannot draw ammunition automatically from your base or ship.

How to target automatically

Open the Control Panel to configure the turret's automatic targetting behaviour. You can set it up to target:

  • characters including animals
  • small-grids vessels including drones
  • large-grid vessels, stations, meteors, and rockets. — Due to its low targeting range (600m) and weak damage, the Icon Block Interior Turret.png Interior Turret is not suitable for these cases.

By default, it fires upon hostiles and you can set it to target neutrals as well. As all automatic weapons, it will prioritize Decoys.


  • 30 impact damage to blocks; 20 damage to characters or 60 damage if hitting the character's head.
  • Precision: 0.35m group at 100m (up to 0.1 degrees random offset from aiming line).
  • Fires as long as it has ammo without any reload time.
  • 600 RPM fire rate which is one of the highest fire rate weapons alongside the Gatling Turret and the Gatling Gun.
  • Projectile travels at 300m/s, vanishes after travelling anywhere between 480m and 600m (randomly chosen per shot[1]) and it is affected by natural gravity.


  • The Interior Turret can automatically aim and shoot at target types designated in its terminal, by default enemy characters, enemy ships and meteors.
  • It has a configurable detection range up to 600m.
  • Can only target these types: Characters, SmallGrids, LargeGrids, Stations, Meteors, Rockets; of which can be Enemies or Neutrals.
  • The turret rotates very fast at 110 degrees per second and is limited between -76 and 90 degrees elevation.


Interior Turrets have an inventory with a volume of 384L (with Realistic settings).
It will only accept MR-50A Magazines, or legacy 5.56x45mm NATO magazines, of which it can hold up to 768 or 1919 respectively.


The Interior Turret consumes 2 kW of power all the time while turned on. Firing or different ranges do not affect power usage.


If progression is enabled, build a Basic Assembler first to unlock this block. It is much more affordable, lightweight, and compact than other turrets and easy to conceal.

This large-grid weapon has only one mount point at the bottom. It has no conveyor ports, so remember to keep its inventory port accessible and reload it manually.


Icon Block Interior Turret.png Interior Turret
ComponentLarge Ship/Station
Large Ship/Station
Small Ship
Small Ship
Icon Item Steel Plate.png Steel Plate4
Icon Item Small Steel Tube.png Small Steel Tube1
Icon Item Motor.png Motor2
Icon Item Interior Plate.png Interior Plate6
Icon Item Construction Comp..png Construction Comp.155
Icon Item Computer.png Computer5

Functional Blocks
  1. in MyProjectile.Start() it does m_maxTrajectory *= MyUtils.GetRandomFloat(0.8f, 1f);