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Icon Block Collector.png

Category: Functional
Function: Gathers floating items

Fits small grid
Mass: 1237.6 kg
Power: 0.002 MW
PCU: 25
Size: 3x3x3
Time to Build: 15 sec

Fits large grid
Mass: 1574.0 kg
Power: 0.002 MW
PCU: 25
Size: 1x1x1
Time to Build: 25 sec

Data Controls: [edit] [purge] (?)

The Icon Block Collector.png Collector is a functional block in Space Engineers used to collect floating Items and place them into a grid inventory. Think of it as a vacuum cleaner for floating ores and dropped components.


In contrast to a Connector, a Collector does not need faction permissions, docking, or sharing of inventories to accept items. Items have no ownership, so as long as the Collector is switched on, it accepts anything. A usage example would be a collector drone flying through a debris field to pick up ammunition or loot. Use a Ejector to eject all collected items that you don't want to keep.

The Collector alone only pulls in items that are right within its small area of effect. For its function as a "space vacuum cleaner", the Collector is typically combined with a Gravity Generator that pulls items towards it from a wider radius. On both planets and in space, a ship with an Ejector can propel items in the Collector's direction. On planets, upwards facing Collectors can use planetary gravity to collect, for example, ores or components that are dropped by players or ejectors from above.

The Collector cannot pick up blocks, for that you need a Grinder Block.


With Realistic settings, the Collector has an inventory with a capacity of 1,675L on small ships and 6,250L on large ships and stations. The inventory accepts all items, allowing it to gather any ores, components, and materials floating in space.

If attached to a conveyor system, the collector is flagged to send pulled items to other blocks. It will automatically push its contents to valid inventories, such as cargo containers or Refineries.[1]


The Collector consumes 2 kW when placed on small ships, large ships, and stations. This value remains the same, regardless of whether or not it has items to collect.


The block is 1x1x1 blocks in size on large grid and 3x3x3 on small grid. The yellow hopper-shaped upper side must be kept freely accessible, so put it facing the outside, towards the floating items.

When placing the large-grid block, note that the one port on the underside must connect to a conveyor port.

When placing the small grid variant (SG), consider that small grid uses two conveyor port sizes that have an impact on what you can collect and how bulky your collector ship will be: Two of the sides can connect to large SG conveyor ports (which are bulky but can convey all items), while the underside and two other sides offer three small SG conveyor ports (typically used for drones that focus on collecting e.g. ores). For details on what fits through the small SG conveyor ports, see Conveyor system.


Icon Block Collector.png Collector
ComponentLarge Ship/Station
Large Ship/Station
Small Ship
Small Ship
Icon Item Computer.png Computer108
Icon Item Display.png Display42
Icon Item Motor.png Motor88
Icon Item Small Steel Tube.png Small Steel Tube1212
Icon Item Construction Comp..png Construction Comp.5035
Icon Item Steel Plate.png Steel Plate30152510

Functional Blocks