Large Cargo Container

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Large Cargo Container
Icon Block Large Cargo Container.png

Category: Storage
Function: inventory

Fits small grid
Mass: 626.2 kg
PCU: 10
Size: 5x5x5
Time to Build: 25 sec

Fits large grid
Mass: 2593.6 kg
PCU: 10
Size: 3x3x3
Time to Build: 45 sec

Data Controls: [edit] [purge] (?)

The Icon Block Large Cargo Container.png Large Cargo Container is a storage block in Space Engineers. It extends a grid's inventory capacity.


This is the largest cargo container for haulers, motherships, and stations. If attached to a conveyor system, the container is flagged to receive pushed items from, and send pulled items to, other blocks.[1] For usage details, see Inventory.

If the container is partially damaged, its contents will remain inside and can be accessed again after repairing the container. If the container is destroyed, its contents either fall out or are also destroyed.


With Realistic settings, the Large Cargo Container has an inventory with a capacity of:

  • 15,625L on Small Ships
  • 421,000L on Large Ships and Stations.

The Large Cargo Container inventory accepts all items, acting as general storage. Access the inventory by highlighting an inventory port and press I key.

Note: The small-grid Large Cargo Container has the same volume as the large-grid Small Cargo Container.


The large-grid container needs Icon Item Metal Grid.png Metal Grids, so unless you loot these somewhere, building a large container on a station hinges on having found Cobalt and having a Basic Assembler.

The Large Cargo Container has mount points on all sides. It has one large conveyor port centered on each of the six sides to connect to the conveyor system.

You can build the Large Cargo Container on Large Grids and Stations where it is a 3x3x3 large-grid-block cube. One Small Grids, it is a 5x5x5 small-grid blocks cube.


Icon Block Large Cargo Container.png Large Cargo Container
ComponentLarge Ship/Station
Large Ship/Station
Small Ship
Small Ship
Icon Item Small Steel Tube.png Small Steel Tube60
Icon Item Motor.png Motor208
Icon Item Metal Grid.png Metal Grid24
Icon Item Interior Plate.png Interior Plate300605520
Icon Item Display.png Display11
Icon Item Construction Comp..png Construction Comp.602025
Icon Item Computer.png Computer86

Functional Blocks