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Icon Block Artillery.png

Category: Defense
Function: Slow heavy armor-penetrating static block weapon

Fits large grid
Mass: 5,781.0 kg
Power: -0.0002 MW
Range: 2,000 m
PCU: 80
Size: 1x1x4
Time to Build: 60 sec

Data Controls: [edit] [purge] (?)

The Artillery is a Block Weapon for large-grid ships. It's the static variant of the titanic Artillery Turret. Designed for long range engagements, it provides devastating firepower against even the most heavily armoured targets. This weapon has substantial recoil when fired.


The Artillery's reload time is very slow, which places it (and its automatic turret variant) among the slowest guns. One shell does a devastating 17000 penetration damage per shot, but the gun can only reload one shell at a time. The trajectory is very far and can extend up to 2000 metres. Because it's very fast you will not have a noticeable drop in gravity.

Artillery shells can ricochet off sloped armor, but will still inflict damage to it. As such, it is not advised to aim at angled sections of the target's hull. These weapons work best when aimed at large clusters of blocks, so their full damage potential can be used, and in case of a ricochet, inflict damage to the surrounding blocks.

  • 17,000 penetration damage.
  • Ricochet: 85% chance from 0 to 10 degrees surface angle, then chance linearly scales to 25% until 40 degrees, past that angle it no longer ricochets.
    • If it ricochets: 7,000 damage dealt to the hit block and subtracted from penetration damage.
  • Precision: 0.52m group at 100m (up to 0.15 degrees random offset from aiming line).
  • Fires one round and then reloads for 12 seconds.
  • Round travels at 500m/s, vanishes after travelling 2,000m and it is affected by natural gravity.
  • 150 kN recoil force applied to ship.
  • The projectile is a missile type and because of that it can be targeted and destroyed by turrets having "Target Rockets" enabled.


The Artillery's size is 1x1x4 large-grid blocks.


The Artillery consumes 200 W of power all the time while turned on. Firing does not affect power usage.


Its inventory can hold 300L and holds three Artillery Shells. Artillery Shells are among the more expensive ammunitions, because they require Uranium.
It has conveyor ports and can be connected to the Conveyor system to automatically pull ammo from containers.


Icon Block Artillery.png Artillery
ComponentLarge Ship/Station
Large Ship/Station
Small Ship
Small Ship
Icon Item Steel Plate.png Steel Plate100150
Icon Item Metal Grid.png Metal Grid20
Icon Item Large Steel Tube.png Large Steel Tube20
Icon Item Construction Comp..png Construction Comp.20
Icon Item Computer.png Computer5


In the game files the Artillery and its ammo is prefixed with "LargeCalibre" and in some cases "HeavyCalibre".

Functional Blocks