Basic Assembler

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Basic Assembler
Icon Block Basic Assembler.png

Category: Facility
Function: turns materials into components

Fits large grid
Mass: 2208.0 kg
Power: Standby -1.00 kW
Active -280 kW
PCU: 40
Size: 1x1x1
Time to Build: 40 sec

Data Controls: [edit] [purge] (?)

The Basic Assembler is the early game version of the Icon Block Assembler.png Assembler. You use Assemblers in Survival mode in order to make components for construction, or to disassmeble components for recycling.


In early game, you typically use the Basic Assembler together with the Icon Block Survival Kit.png Survival Kit and the Basic Refinery. Either of these blocks can output the ingots that the Basic Assembler needs as input.

  1. Either fill the Basic Assembler with materials (such as ingots), or conveyor its ports to a (Basic) Refinery or Survival Kit.
  2. Open the Production screen in the Terminal.
  3. Choose one of two modes and queue up items from the list.
    • Assembler — craft items
    • Disassembler — recycle items

Find details in the Production article.

What's the difference between a Basic and a full Assembler?

The Basic Assembler does not have preconfigured blueprints to queue up all components for specific large and small grid blocks.

In the category of components, the Basic Assembler cannot produce the following mid- to end-game components:

In the category of Ammunition, a Basic Assembler cannot create any mid- or endgame ammo (it produces only S-10, S-20A, MR-20, MR-50A magazines and Gatling Ammo Boxes).

In the category of Character Tools, it cannot create Proficient and Elite tools.

In the category of Character Weapons, it cannot create Elite pistols and rifles and rocket launchers.

The upgraded block which can produce those item is the Assembler that you should work towards next.


Ensure the Basic Assembler has enough power: It has a minimum required power input of 1.00 kW (idling), and a maximum power requirement of 280 kW.


The Basic Assembler is a 1x1x1 large grid block. It's among the first blocks you build in early game. You typically combine it with a Basic Refinery and with either Icon Block Solar Panel.png Solar Panels or Icon Block Wind Turbine.png Wind Turbines on your first base.


Icon Block Basic Assembler.png Basic Assembler
ComponentLarge Ship/Station
Large Ship/Station
Small Ship
Small Ship
Icon Item Steel Plate.png Steel Plate6020
Icon Item Motor.png Motor10
Icon Item Display.png Display4
Icon Item Construction Comp..png Construction Comp.40
Icon Item Computer.png Computer80

Functional Blocks