Oxygen Tank

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Oxygen Tank
Icon Block Oxygen Tank.png

Fits small grid
Mass: 641.6 kg
PCU: 25
Size: 3x3x3
Time to Build: 14 sec

Fits large grid
Mass: 3161.6 kg
PCU: 25
Size: 1x2x1
Time to Build: 32 sec

Data Controls: [edit] [purge] (?)

This block, although not mandatory for survival, is immensely useful as a reservoir for Oxygen and to refill Oxygen Bottles. You also use it as one of the building blocks when building pressurised living quarters.


The oxygen tank allows storage of gas and controlled transfer to airlocks and around stations quickly, preventing waste. In comparison, O2/H2 Generators would need to constantly melt ice to provide oxygen for the Engineer; an O2/H2 Generator has the disadvantage that it will attempt to fill all reachable tanks, even if the oxygen tanks are already full and it wastes ice to fill the hydrogen tanks. Oxygen Farms, in contrast, waste no ice (they need only power and sunlight) to fill an oxygen tank, but they are much slower.

How to fill oxygen bottles

Insert empty or partially empty Oxygen Bottles into the tank's inventory, then click the Refill Bottles button in the tank's Control Panel Screen to refill them. The button is disabled when there are no Oxygen Bottles in its inventory or if they are already full. Alternatively, enable the Auto-Refill button to fill Oxygen Bottles in its inventory without having to press a button.

How pressurise living quarters

To build pressurised living quarters with airlocks, combine Air Vents with Oxygen Tanks. For construction details see the Airtightness page.

How to empty and fill tanks

You control filling and emptying of tanks in the Control Panel Screen.

  • Enable Stockpile to have the tank pull available oxygen from the O2/H2 Generator or from other oxygen tanks. Air Vents and Medical Rooms' oxygen recharging will not work while all oxygen tanks are on Stockpile.
  • Disable Stockpile to allow Air Vents and Medical Rooms to use up oxygen from this tank, or to transfer oxygen out of this tank into a stockpiling tank.

A cracked or grinded tank slowly loses all its gas.

How full is the tank?

The status lights appear one after the other for each 25% filled.

  • black - empty or below 25%
  • all red - no power or switched off
  • all blue - accepting oxygen, not providing (Stockpile On)
  • green - providing oxygen to air vent (Stockpile Off)


A large-grid oxygen tank holds 100,000L of oxygen and 0-7 oxygen bottles. The small-grid tank holds 50,000 litres of oxygen and 0-7 oxygen bottles. The gas fill level does not have a measurable impact on the tank’s mass. Each oxygen bottle in its inventory increase its mass by 30 kg per bottle.


Since update 1.200, when Oxygen Tanks are grinded down and damaged below the red line, they slowly leak oxygen.



The Oxygen Tank requires power and must be connected to the Conveyor system to be of use.

The small grid version has two small conveyor ports together on one side, and a large conveyor port on the opposing side. Its dimensions are 2x3x3 (Length x Width x Height). If you can make its shape fit, it is one of the few blocks that can transition the small and large conveyor systems on small grids.

The large grid block is 1x1x2 (Length x Width x Height). It has two large conveyor doors on the opposing ends. The large grid variant has a power draw of 1kw to provide oxygen to vents etc.


Icon Block Oxygen Tank.png Oxygen Tank
ComponentLarge Ship/Station
Large Ship/Station
Small Ship
Small Ship
Icon Item Steel Plate.png Steel Plate6020106
Icon Item Small Steel Tube.png Small Steel Tube6010
Icon Item Large Steel Tube.png Large Steel Tube408
Icon Item Construction Comp..png Construction Comp.4010
Icon Item Computer.png Computer88

Functional Blocks