Sound Block

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Sound Block
Icon Block Sound Block.png

Category: Functional
Function: plays music and alerts

Fits small grid
Mass: 0 kg
PCU: 25
Size: 1x1x1
Time to Build: 6 sec

Fits large grid
Mass: 0 kg
PCU: 25
Size: 1x1x1
Time to Build: 6 sec

Data Controls: [edit] [purge] (?)

The Sound Block is a block that can play included sound files, for example, play an alarm when a sensor detects an enemy.


Use this block to play alerts, informational messages, or simply music. Each sound block can be set to play one song, there is no playlist.

A sound block is different from the Jukebox from the Decorative Pack 2 DLC in so far as the Sound Block does not have an in-world user interface for engineers to select songs. Without the DLC, you could build a Jukebox out of (for example) Button Panels that trigger several Sound Blocks that have the individual songs configured.

How play a sound

  1. Choose a Volume between 0-100%.
  2. Choose a Range between 0-500 metres how far away the sound should be audible.
  3. Now select either a sound or a loop from the list.
  4. Set a Loop Time between 1-59 secs or 1-30 mins. This slider is only available if you have selected a loop.

Available sounds or loops

Spoken alerts:

  • "Lights on!"
  • "Lights off!"
  • "Warning! Enemy detected!"
  • "Objective complete."


  • Alert 1 - a klaxon
  • Alert 2 - beepbeepbeepbeep (could also be a reversing truck)
  • Alert 3 - a speaking voice ("Military Alert"?)
  • Drone Small/Medium/Large/Huge - an industrial droning noise


Main article: Music


There a only few sounds included, but if you're on Steam, you can saerch for sound mods to amend the list: Sound Block Sounds by --Kaos-- or Klaxons and Other Sounds for Sound Block


The block requires power to work. It exists for large and small grid and takes up a 1x1x1 blocks space.


Icon Block Sound Block.png Sound Block
ComponentLarge Ship/Station
Large Ship/Station
Small Ship
Small Ship
Icon Item Interior Plate.png Interior Plate1313
Icon Item Construction Comp..png Construction Comp.66
Icon Item Computer.png Computer33

Functional Blocks