Assault Cannon Turret

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Assault Cannon Turret
Icon Block Assault Cannon Turret.png

Category: Defense
Function: Slow versatile automatic block weapon

Fits small grid
Mass: 2,254.0 kg
Power: -0.002 MW
Range: 600 m
PCU: 275
Size: 7x5x7
Time to Build: 40 sec

Fits large grid
Mass: 9,654.0 kg
Power: -0.002 MW
Range: 800 m
PCU: 275
Size: 3x2x3
Time to Build: 80 sec

Data Controls: [edit] [purge] (?)

The Assault Cannon Turret is a weapon block for small and large grids, the automatic variant of the static Assault Cannon.


Assault Cannon Turrets are the slower and bigger siblings of the nimbler Autocannon Turrets. It has a turret range of 800m and quite a wide maximum trajectory of 1400m. This turret uses Assault Cannon Shell ammunition.

A true multi-role weapon, designed with versatility in mind, the Assault Cannon Turret is equally well suited for close quarters and at range.

Delivering a powerful punch, the Assault Cannon Turret excels in its role as a primary weapon on smaller craft, and a secondary weapon on even the most massive vessel.


  • 4,000 penetration damage.
  • Ricochet: 85% chance from 0 to 20 degrees surface angle, then chance linearly scales to 25% until 50 degrees, past that angle it no longer ricochets.
    • If it ricochets: 2,000 damage dealt to the hit block and subtracted from penetration damage.
  • Small-grid:
    • Precision: 1.75m group at 100m (up to 0.5 degrees random offset from aiming line).
    • Fires one shot and then reloads for 6 seconds.
  • Large-grid:
    • Precision: 1.22m group at 100m (up to 0.35 degrees random offset from aiming line).
    • Fires up to 2 shots (180 RPM) and then reloads for 6 seconds.
  • Round travels at 500m/s, vanishes after travelling 1,400m and it is affected by natural gravity.
  • 50 kN recoil force applied to ship.
  • The projectile is a missile type and because of that it can be targeted and destroyed by turrets having "Target Rockets" enabled.


  • The Assault Cannon Turret can automatically aim and shoot at target types designated in its terminal, by default enemy ships.
  • It has a configurable detection range up to 600m for small-grid and 800m for large-grid version.
  • Can only target these types: Characters, SmallGrids, LargeGrids, Stations; of which can be Enemies or Neutrals.
  • The large-grid turret rotates at 22 degrees per second and is limited between -20 and 75 degrees elevation.
  • The small-grid turret rotates at 44 degrees per second and is limited between -10 and 50 degrees elevation.


The small-grid version is a single heavy barrel turret of 7x5x7 blocks size, while the large-grid one is a heavy double-barreled turret of 3x2x3 blocks size.
Both only mount on the bottom and have one conveyor port there as well.


The Assault Cannon Turret consumes 2 kW of power all the time while turned on. Firing or different ranges do not affect power usage.


Small-grid: 90L which corresponds to three Assault Cannon Shells.
Large-grid: 180L which corresponds to six Assault Cannon Shells.
Both have a conveyor port on the bottom therefore can be connected to a Conveyor system to automatically pull ammo from containers.


Icon Block Assault Cannon Turret.png Assault Cannon Turret
ComponentLarge Ship/Station
Large Ship/Station
Small Ship
Small Ship
Icon Item Metal Grid.png Metal Grid2010
Icon Item Computer.png Computer2020
Icon Item Large Steel Tube.png Large Steel Tube306
Icon Item Construction Comp..png Construction Comp.200806040
Icon Item Steel Plate.png Steel Plate1002002525


In the game files the references to Assault Cannon Turret and its ammo are prefixed with "MediumCalibre".

Functional Blocks