Atmospheric Thruster

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Atmospheric Thruster
Icon Block Atmospheric Thruster.png

Category: Mobility
Function: alllows atmospheric flight

Fits small grid
Mass: 699 kg
Power: -701 kW MW
Force: 65,000 N
PCU: 15
Size: 1x1x3
Time to Build: 10 sec

Fits large grid
Mass: 4000 kg
Power: -23,600 MW
Force: 350,000 N
PCU: 15
Size: 1x1x3
Time to Build: 40 sec

Data Controls: [edit] [purge] (?)

Icon Block Atmospheric Thruster.png Atmospheric Thrusters are Thrusters that operate only on planets with atmospheres.


Atmospheric thrusters can be used on all planets with thick enough atmospheres. On planets, make your strongest atmo thrusters the dorsal thrusters, they point downwards to counter gravity. If you choose to include them on a shuttle, switch them off when you reach space to save power. They are the most efficient source of thrust in an atmosphere, better than hydrogen thrusters. Another advantage is low cost, they do not require expensive Icon Item Thruster Components.png Thruster Components, and you can build their components with basic resources found on planets. Their main disadvantage is the futility of using them in space, on moons, and asteroids. While transitioning to space, they slowly lose all thrust.



If you have Progression on, you must build a cockpit or Remote Control first to unlock atmospheric thrusters. The blocks only attach to other blocks on the four sides of the end that has the turbine. The exhaust coming from the thruster end damages blocks, so keep these ends clear. Usually you need thrust in six directions, but on planets with enough pull, you can risk skipping down thrust and letting gravity do the work. This saves you one set of rarely used thrusters, but forces you to keep the ship level at all times to componsate. The Flat Atmospheric Thruster and Flat Atmospheric Thruster D Shape are shape variants of the Atmospheric Thruster with the same functionality.


Icon Block Atmospheric Thruster.png Atmospheric Thruster
ComponentLarge Ship/Station
Large Ship/Station
Small Ship
Small Ship
Icon Item Steel Plate.png Steel Plate152021
Icon Item Motor.png Motor11018
Icon Item Metal Grid.png Metal Grid101
Icon Item Large Steel Tube.png Large Steel Tube81
Icon Item Construction Comp..png Construction Comp.3020202

Types of Manoeuvring Blocks

Functional Blocks