Cryo Chamber

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Cryo Chamber
Icon Block Cryo Chamber.png

Category: Facility
Function: provides life support when logged out

Fits small grid
Mass: 796.0 kg
Power: -0.00003 MW
PCU: 15
Size: 3x4x3
Time to Build: 15 sec

Fits large grid
Mass: 1142.0 kg
Power: -0.00003 MW
PCU: 15
Size: 1x1x1
Time to Build: 15 sec

Data Controls: [edit] [purge] (?)

The Cryo Chamber is a functional Block, colloquially also called Cryo Pod. For a DLC block with the same functionality but different form factor, see Icon Block Inset Cryo Room.png Inset Cryo Room.


While in the Cryo Chamber, the player consumes less oxygen, their suit is automatically replenished from the oxygen supplied to cryo chamber, their hydrogen supply is replenished, and their suit energy is restored. When logged out inside a Cryo Chamber, the Engineer still consumes Oxygen, albeit slowly. The Cryo Chamber does not restore health, so use it in tandem with a Icon Block Medical Room.png Medical Room or Icon Block Survival Kit.png Survival Kit. When there is no power on the grid it is attached to, the Cryo Chamber keeps the player alive until their oxygen supply runs out.

How to log out safely in multiplayer

The Cryo Chamber serves as a safer place to log out in multiplayer, because the player's inventory and toolbar settings are saved. On multiplayer servers, it enables faster player load locations and provides a safer spawn point on any powered grid it is built on. It will make the client load that very specific location first, speeding up the render distance and location of player's engineer.

If the Cryo Chamber is not owned by the occupant, the hibernating Engineer is thrown out and killed if another player chooses to enter the same Cryo Chamber.

How to tell the status

  • Red lights mean it's unpowered and not ready
  • Green lights mean it's powered and ready to be used
  • Blue lights mean it's powered and occupied



Cryo Chambers must be built on a powered grid to work. On large grid, they take up 1x1x1 LG blocks and on small grid it's 3x3x4 SG blocks. The small variant was added in Version/1.191.0.

It has mount points on all sides. The large-grid Cryo Chamber has one large conveyor port on the back, and the small one has one small port on the back and two small ports on the bottom. Here you connect the Cryo Chamber to a filled oxygen supply.

This block is not airtight, but the Inset Cryo Room is an airtight block with the same functionality.


Icon Block Cryo Chamber.png Cryo Chamber
ComponentLarge Ship/Station
Large Ship/Station
Small Ship
Small Ship
Icon Item Motor.png Motor84
Icon Item Medical Components.png Medical Components33
Icon Item Interior Plate.png Interior Plate3010155
Icon Item Display.png Display84
Icon Item Construction Comp..png Construction Comp.2010
Icon Item Computer.png Computer3015
Icon Item Bulletproof Glass.png Bulletproof Glass105

Functional Blocks