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Version 1.191.0 Major


Release Date: 6 June 2019

Hello, Engineers!

It’s time for another major update. We have been very busy since the release of Space Engineers from Early Access. We continued working on the game improvements and in this update we focused on a new feature: Build Planner, and one new block: Small Cryo Pod and on customizable game elements, such as skins, emotes and armor skins.

The Build Planner feature allows players to create a list of blocks or components, which can be automatically transferred into their inventory. It significantly simplifies the gameplay and we are sure that you will appreciate it. Special thanks to one of our top community members DraygoKorvan, for the inspiration to create this Build Planner.

For players who wish to support the further development of Space Engineers, we have created a Style Pack for $5.99USD which consists of two character skins, four character emotes and two armor skins. With this release, we are also bringing two new character skins to the game: NextGen and Fiber. Both character skins are only decorative and you can buy them in the Steam Item Store. The price will be set to $3.99USD per skin set. We decided to keep the same approach as with our last update, being that if you decide to not buy the Style Pack/character skins, you are still getting a major free update containing all the gameplay features! This gives you the opportunity to enjoy new things, but also the chance to support the further development of Space Engineers, if you are willing to do so.

Marek's Blog post:

Youtube: Space Engineers: Build Planner, Small Grid Cryo Pod and Style Pack


Q: Why are the two individual character skins not included in the Style Pack?
A: The reason for not having these individual skins to be part of the Style Pack is because these are two specific skins were developed separately from the Style Pack. As these two skins are unique, we wanted to give players the opportunity to buy them individually in case some people do not want to buy the entire pack. We also want to see if players are more interested in packs compared to individual items or perhaps both.

Q: Why did you increase the price of the Style Pack compared to the Decorative Pack?
A: The complexity and technical requirements are different for these two packs. We spent much more time working on the Style Pack than on the Decorative Pack. The Decorative Pack was also the first DLC we released after Space Engineers moved out of Early Access and it showed us that many members of our community are willing to support us. Therefore, we invested more time and effort to bring some game changing things to Space Engineers now and we plan to continue this for upcoming releases. Another reason is that we wanted to give the Decorative Pack to as many players as possible, and a reduced price definitely helps :)

Q: Can we expect that the next DLC will be even more expensive?
A: I would not generalize it this way. The price of the DLC is based on the complexity of the content in the DLC.

Q: When we can expect the next update?
A: The next update is expected to be released similarly to this one, so somewhere between one to two months.

Q: What will be the content of the next update?
A: I do not want to spoil the surprise, but it’ll be a game changer that will give players a better system for cooperation, as well as certain levels of tasks and goals, which can be managed by themselves

Features: Main Feature: Build Planner (BP)

  • Info about build planner keybindings added to help screen (F1)
  • Players can now plan ahead by putting blocks into BP UI which is part of the G-screen UI
  • Blocks can be put to BP by drag&drop or by clicking MMB over blocks in G-screen
  • Incomplete blocks can be added to BP by RMB while holding a welder
  • BP will withdraw and deposit relevant components from the conveyor system you are interacting with using inventory screen buttons or rebindable shortcuts
  • BP will put needed components to production when interacting with terminal, inventory screen/production screen using buttons or rebindable shortcuts
  • Held block from toolbar can be put to empty BP by clicking RMB over a highlighted conveyor port, it will try to withdraw components for it at the same time

Other Features

  • Added small grid version of a cryo chamber
  • Added ability to change armor skins
  • Added Clean Armor Skin
  • Added ability to change ship skins without changing color, vice versa or both at once
  • Added helpful block icons into terminal screen
  • Added Style Pack DLC containing two character skins, four character emotes and two armor skins
  • Added 2 new character skins (NextGen and Fiber) to Steam Item Store


  • Updated LCDs in Campaign missions to present new LCD features
  • Spectator movement and rotation speed are now saved together in the save file (Singleplayer only)
  • Reformatted LCDs in Rival Platforms Custom map to show new LCD features
  • Changed the "Put everything into constructed block stockpile" feature from RMB when holding welder to LMB due to Build Planner interaction
  • "This is not main cockpit!" text now disappears after a while
  • Removed horizon and altitude indicators from decorative seats
  • Changed how keybindings operate by allowing one key to be bound to multiple functions


  • Fixed a crash in Cutscene tool (2xF11) when trying to play a cutscene where camera position or rotation has invalid value
  • Fixed another crash in Cutscene tool when switching between tabs
  • Fixed a crash in Cutscene tool when closing the screen after the player was deleted via visualscripting
  • Fixed a crash in Visual scripting related to character trying to respawn inside a cockpit
  • Fixed a crash when multiple atennas or beacons on the same grid have Show on HUD enabled through ModAPI/Terminal/Toolbar
  • Fixed a crash when welding a projected wind turbine
  • Fixed a crash which occured when save with out of bounds values prompted multiple warning dialogs in DS configurator
  • Fixed dead engineers missing in campaign due to the fact that they were previously supergridded in as small blocks
  • Fixed problems due to ship drills starting to drill immediately after merging, ship drills now start to drill only after spinning up
  • Fixed trash removal evaluating block count with less or equal than instead of less than the set amount
  • Fixed the ability to place singular blocks in creative into space over the PCU limit
  • Fixed camera moving around when using the Celebrate emote
  • Fixed cryo chamber not updating emissivity when working with oxygen
  • Fixed cryo chamber never changing from green emissivity to yellow
  • Fixed voxel hand changes not being properly synchronised to other players
  • Fixed voxel hand changes not being synchronized to other player upon reconnect
  • Fixed inventory desynchronisations occuring after pasting stacks of unstackable items through item spawn screens directly into inventory on DS
  • Fixed a problem where a player actually connects to the server later than those who started joining later
  • Fixed block changing emissivity when recolored
  • Fixed local grid alignment placement mode enabling whenever a projector somewhere was turned off
  • Fixed the ability to weld a projected block without having energy in the suit
  • Fixed light reflections appearing on grid surfaces depending on the angle of the camera
  • Fixed texture on the bottom of small solar panel block being see-through
  • Fixed inability of making a renamed local copy of a workshop world as it was overwriting the original anyway
  • Fixed parts of blocks being black when shining flashlight on them at night on Low settings
  • Fixed shooting particles not being visible when the source (weapon) is too close to a voxel surface(planet, asteroid)
  • Fixed spectator from respawn screen (Shift+Esc) being available to everyone (Now have to have spectator rights, change to spectator is irreversible as you don't have character to get back to)
  • Fixed supergridding not being considered experimental
  • Fixed Solar panels and Wind turbines not turning back on correctly when previously turned off via connected grid
  • Fixed legacy values in old saves preventing the world from loading
  • Fixed Armory, Armory Locker and Locker blocks not having lower levels of detail
  • Fixed inability to finish Remote Control task in Learning to Survive scenario
  • Fixed LCD panels not synchronizing properly when crossing sync distance threshold or when streaming occurs
  • Fixed Safe values for Day duration/Sun rotation interval being incorrectly evaluated as Experimental
  • Fixed patterning for Slope 2x1x1 armor block textures - slope part
  • Fixed patterning for Slope 2x1x1 armor block textures - flat square sides
  • Fixed patterning for Slope armor block textures
  • Fixed round armor inverted corner missing one armor edge
  • Fixed patterning for Half armor block textures - square sides (rectangle sides Soon)

Solved Issues from Support Site

  • Fixed an exploit where player could shut down power on any grid by utilizing buttons from unknown signals
  • Fixed incorrect behaviour of IMyInventory.IsConnectedTo
  • Fixed female helmet skins not appearing when trying to render highest quality of the model
  • Fixed trash removal ignoring block count setting for respawn ships
  • Fixed showing damage particle effects for projected damaged blocks
  • Fixed disassemble repeat mode not keeping items in queue after disassembly
  • Fixed doors not opening visually when opened by a script
  • Fixed containers not dropping their inventory when deleted using mirror mode
  • Fixed projectors not respecting Keep projection setting in multiple cases
  • Fixed artificial mass blocks not working when switched on after save and reload
  • Fixed an issue where modded worlds would fail to load on DS due to asynchronously downloading mods from steam
  • Fixed Programmable block API GetInventory returning null for blocks with more than 1 type of inventory
  • Fixed tooltip on server password screen which suggested insertion of server IP instead
  • Fixed LCD with scripts not initializing when pasted on DS
  • Fixed rubber banding when walking and running on grids with high ping, trend timeout is now dynamically based on ping instead of a flat amount
  • Fixed sides of Armor Slope and Armor Corner 2x1x1 Base blocks getting transparent when combined
  • Fixed backpack inventory volume not being multiplied without character (Laying on the ground after player dies)
  • Fixed text memory issues and text character limit when being written through ModAPI WritePublicText
  • Fixed mods not having access to ownership when welding projections by exposing the builtBy parameter and IsWithinWorldLimits to modders
  • Fixed "Enable station grid with voxel" setting being misleading by renaming it to "Unsupported stations"
  • Fixed analog clock script small hand not moving gradually as the time passes
  • Fixed Small hydrogen engine changing materials for parts of its model on different levels of detail
  • Fixed the inability to type into the G-screen search box while holding Shift
  • Fixed the inability to change LCD textures via programmable block