Medium Cargo Container

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Medium Cargo Container
Icon Block Medium Cargo Container.png

Category: Storage
Function: extends cargo capacity

Fits small grid
Mass: 274.8 kg
PCU: 10
Size: 3x3x3
Time to Build: 14 sec

Data Controls: [edit] [purge] (?)

The Icon Block Medium Cargo Container.png Medium Cargo Container is a storage block in Space Engineers. It extends a grid's inventory capacity.


This is the most commonly used cargo container on small grid, because it combines affordability with a compact size. Alternatives are the tiny Small Cargo Container and the bulky and expensive Large Cargo Container. If attached to a conveyor system, the container is flagged to receive pushed items from, and send pulled items to, other blocks.[1] For usage details, see Inventory.

If the container is partially damaged, its contents will remain inside and can be accessed again after repairing the container. If the container is destroyed, its contents either fall out or are also destroyed.


With Realistic settings, the Medium Cargo Container has an inventory with a capacity of 3,375L on Small Grids. Access the inventory by highlighting an inventory port and then press I key. The inventory accepts all items, acting as general storage.


This cargo container is 3x3x3 Small Grid blocks in size. It is not available for Large Grids or Stations. It is airtight and has mount points on all six sides.

The Medium Cargo Container has two small conveyor ports on opposite sides, and another two large ports on another pair of opposite sides, while the third pair of opposing sides are only structural.


Icon Block Medium Cargo Container.png Medium Cargo Container
ComponentLarge Ship/Station
Large Ship/Station
Small Ship
Small Ship
Icon Item Motor.png Motor4
Icon Item Interior Plate.png Interior Plate2010
Icon Item Display.png Display1
Icon Item Construction Comp..png Construction Comp.10
Icon Item Computer.png Computer4

Functional Blocks