Top Mounted Camera

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Top Mounted Camera
Icon Block Top Mounted Camera.png

Category: Functional
Function: Camera with different angle

Fits small grid
Mass: 0 kg
Power: 0.00003 MW
PCU: 25
Size: 1x1x1
Time to Build: 6 sec

Fits large grid
Mass: 0 kg
Power: 0.00003 MW
PCU: 25
Size: 1x1x1
Time to Build: 6 sec

Data Controls: [edit] [purge] (?)

The Top Mounted Camera is a functionally equivalent variant of the Camera. You can build it only if you have purchased the Automatons Pack DLC.


For usage details such as zoom, see Camera.


You can build this block on large and small grid.

The big difference to the non-DLC camera is the view angle: The standard camera looks forward orthogonally relative to its single mount point, while the top-mounted camera points at a 90 degree angle relative to its single mount point.


Icon Block Top Mounted Camera.png Top Mounted Camera
ComponentLarge Ship/Station
Large Ship/Station
Small Ship
Small Ship
Icon Item Computer.png Computer33
Icon Item Steel Plate.png Steel Plate1111

Functional Blocks