Industrial Assembler

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Industrial Assembler
Icon Block Industrial Assembler.png

Category: Facility
Function: A reskin of the assembler

Fits large grid
Mass: 4092.0 kg
PCU: 40
Size: 1x2x2
Time to Build: 80 sec

Data Controls: [edit] [purge] (?)

The Icon Block Industrial Assembler.png Industrial Assembler is a functional block in Space Engineers. You control its functionality through the Production tab.

You can build it only if you have purchased the Heavy Industry Pack, but the owner can let everyone use it.


The function and usage is the same as of the vanilla Assembler, so see there for details. Visually, the block has a second walkable storey that can be accessed over a catwalk.


If Progression is on, unlock the Industrial Assembler by building a Basic Assembler.
The Industrial Assembler is available only for large grid, where it takes up 1x2x2 blocks of space which is larger than the Assembler, but requires the exact same amount of components.
The block has two conveyor ports as opposed to 4 on the Assembler.
It also has eight module mount points where you can optionally place Upgrade Modules. The same amount as the Assembler but on different sides (1 top, 1 bottom, 2 on one side) meaning it will have a different fully upgraded shape compared to a fully upgraded Assembler. If you intend to benefit from modules, consider the extra surrounding space needed and don't cover up the ports.


Icon Block Industrial Assembler.png Industrial Assembler
ComponentLarge Ship/Station
Large Ship/Station
Small Ship
Small Ship
Icon Item Steel Plate.png Steel Plate12020
Icon Item Motor.png Motor20
Icon Item Metal Grid.png Metal Grid10
Icon Item Display.png Display10
Icon Item Construction Comp..png Construction Comp.80
Icon Item Computer.png Computer160

Functional Blocks