Category:Heavy Industry Pack

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"Space Engineers “Heavy Industry” pack includes Large Magnetic plate, Beam Blocks, Industrial conveyor pipes, Cylindrical Column, Vertical button panel, Large Hydrogen Tank Reskin, Large Cargo Container Reskin, Industrial Refinery, Industrial Assembler, Industrial Hydrogen Thrusters and Hazard pattern armor skin." — Store pages[1][2]

Space Engineers - Heavy Industry[1][2] also known as the Heavy Industry Pack[3][4] or Heavy Industry DLC[3] is a DLC for Space Engineers. It was added in update 1.199, which was also titled "Heavy Industry."[4]

In the build menu, its blocks can be found in the Industrial Blocks group.

Usage Without Owning the DLC

Note that despite being a DLC, it doesn't actually download anything as all of its content is included in the base game, just made inaccessible. This allows players without the DLC to still see blocks and armor skins from it if they play on multiplayer servers with players who do have it, and play on downloaded worlds that include those blocks.


Large Magnetic Plate

Main article: Large Magnetic Plate
"A truly massive large grid magnetic plate (3x3x2), and a small grid version. Big enough to accommodate the largest jobs." — [1][2][3]

Beam Blocks

Main article: Beam
"A collection of industrial-style beams for structural support and exterior decoration. The Industrial beam, 10 variants in both large and small grids." — [1][2][3]

Industrial Conveyor Pipes

Main article: Industrial Conveyor Pipe
"A departure from the classic, angular conveyor design. The industrial conveyor pipe is provided in 7 variants for large grids which includes a new conveyor sorter." — [1][2][3]

Cylindrical Column

Main article: Cylindrical Column
"A new column offered in both small and large variants, designed to reinforce your starbase, starship, or underground fortress." — [1][2][3]

Vertical Button Panel

Main article: Vertical Button Panel
"Big, red, button. Space-saving design for industrial application; three buttons, vertically aligned." — [1][2][3]

Large Hydrogen Tank Reskin

Main article: Hydrogen Tank
"Striking spherical design, high-pressure hydrogen storage tank." — [1][2][3]

Large Cargo Container Reskin

Main article: Large Cargo Container
"A new, rugged, industrial-style cargo container for all of your shipping and storage needs." — [1][2][3]

Industrial Refinery

Main article: Refinery
"A new, highly accessible version of the refinery." — [1][2][3]

Industrial Assembler

Main article: Industrial Assembler
"A new, highly accessible version of the assembler." — [1][2][3]

Industrial Hydrogen Thrusters

Main article: Hydrogen Thrusters
"A community request now made a reality. The much-anticipated Hydrogen Thruster variant! Featuring 2 sizes for both large and small grid creations." — [1][2][3]

Hazard Pattern Armor Skin

Main article: Color
"Beware, Danger, Caution. A hazard skin for all of your industrial creations." — [1][2][3]
