Hydrogen Tank

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Hydrogen Tank
Icon Block Hydrogen Tank.png

Fits small grid
Mass: 1580.8 kg
PCU: 25
Size: 5x5x5
Time to Build: 30 sec

Fits large grid
Mass: 8161.6 kg
PCU: 25
Size: 3x3x3
Time to Build: 50 sec

Data Controls: [edit] [purge] (?)

Both Small and standard tanks are available as hydrogen gas storage for large-grid and small-grid ships.

If you have purchased the Heavy Industry Pack DLC adds a spherical large-grid Icon Block Industrial Hydrogen Tank.png Industrial Hydrogen Tank as an aesthetic variant with the same functionality.


Hydrogen storage is essential for ships using Hydrogen thrusters. An O2/H2 Generator needs to constantly melt ice to create hydrogen, and cannot keep up with hydrogen thrusters, that's why you rely on tanks for stockpiling enough gas before a longer flight.

Tanks conveyored to the Medical Room or Survival Kit are also helpful as a reservoir to recharge the engineer's jetpack, and to refill Hydrogen Bottles, but small ones (or a Generator switched on for a short while) are enough for that.

How to empty and fill tanks

For reference, eight O2/H2 generators take one hour to fill the largest tank.

You control filling and emptying of tanks on the Control Panel Screen.

  • Enable Stockpile to have the tank pull available hydrogen from the O2/H2 Generator or from other tanks to fill itself. Hydrogen thrusters and refuelling jetpacks from the Medical Room will not work.
  • Disable Stockpile to allow Hydrogen thrusters and the Medical Room to pull hydrogen from this tank, or to transfer hydrogen out of this tank into a stockpiling tank.

A cracked or grinded tank also slowly loses all its Hydrogen gas.

How full is this tank?

Look at the four status lights that are visible on each side.

  • black - empty or below 25%
  • all red - no power or switched off
  • yellow - not connected to conveyor line, or broken conveyor line
  • lightblue - accepting hydrogen, not providing (Stockpile On)
  • green - providing hydrogen. e.g. to thrusters (Stockpile Off)

The four indicator lights light up one after the other for each 25% filled.


Type Capacity (litres) Icon Item Ice.png Ice to fill (tons) Cargo Containers to fill
Small Grid Icon Block Small Hydrogen Tank.png Small Hydrogen Tank 15,000 0.75 2.22 Icon Block Small Cargo Container.png Small Cargo Containers
Small Grid Hydrogen Tank 500,000 25 2.74 Icon Block Medium Cargo Container.png Medium Cargo Containers
Large Grid Icon Block Small Hydrogen Tank.png Small Hydrogen Tank 1,000,000 50 1.18 Icon Block Small Cargo Container.png Small Cargo Containers
Large Grid Hydrogen Tank 15,000,000 750 17.76 Icon Block Small Cargo Container.png Small Cargo Containers or 0.66 Icon Block Large Cargo Container.png Large Cargo Containers

Drain Times
Type of Thruster Large H2 Tank Small H2 Tank
Icon Block Large Hydrogen Thruster.png Large Hydrogen Thruster (Large Grid) ~52 Minutes ~3.5 Minutes
Icon Block Hydrogen Thruster.png Small Hydrogen Thruster (Large Grid) ~311 Minutes ~21 Minutes
Icon Block Large Hydrogen Thruster.png Large Hydrogen Thruster (Small Grid) ~22 Minutes 38 Seconds
Icon Block Hydrogen Thruster.png Small Hydrogen Thruster (Small Grid) ~103 Minutes ~3 Minutes

Drain times are based on the large/small H2 tank of the same size grid as the thruster.


Since update 1.200, when Hydrogen Tanks are grinded down or damaged below the red line, they slowly leak fuel, and they explode when destroyed.



All hydrogen tank variants can be built on large grids and small grids.

The cylindrical Hydrogen Tank is 3x3x3 block in size. Built on large grid, it has six large conveyor ports, one in each of the six directions, in the middle of each side. Built on small grid, it also has six ports, but it's four small ports all around the cylinder, and two large ports on the top and bottom of the cyclinder. The Icon Block Industrial Hydrogen Tank.png Industrial Hydrogen Tank is a DLC reskin with the same properties.

The tank must be powered and connected to the conveyor system to be of use.


Icon Block Hydrogen Tank.png Hydrogen Tank
ComponentLarge Ship/Station
Large Ship/Station
Small Ship
Small Ship
Icon Item Steel Plate.png Steel Plate1601203010
Icon Item Small Steel Tube.png Small Steel Tube6030
Icon Item Large Steel Tube.png Large Steel Tube8020
Icon Item Construction Comp..png Construction Comp.4020
Icon Item Computer.png Computer84

Functional Blocks