Cargo Container

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Cargo Container may refer to the following blocks:

Adding cargo containers to a grid gives that grid an inventory that can hold any item. This is useful for storing more items than your own inventory can hold at your base, or for building cargo ships to transport large amounts of items long distances.

Cargo containers can be connected to other blocks through the Conveyor system. For example, containers can store components for Icon Block Welder Block.png welder blocks to use, store components from Icon Block Grinder Block.png grinder blocks, store ores from Icon Block Drill.png drills, store Icon Item Uranium Ingot.png uranium ingots for reactors, store ingots and ores for Assemblers and Refineries, store ammunition for turrets to shoot -- you get the picture.

Tip: If you want to deposit loot quickly, Alt+MMB-click a cargo port with an empty hand (Build Planner). That deposits all components, ores, and ingots from the engineer's inventory; but tools, weapons, and consumables (ammo, medkits, bottles) are kept. This distinction does not necessarily work with items added by mods, so be careful.