Category: |
Function: |
allows atmospheric flight
Fits small grid
Mass: |
1060 kg
Power: |
1 MW
Force: |
230,000 N
PCU: |
Size: |
Time to Build: |
15 sec
Fits large grid
Mass: |
12190 kg
Power: |
6.7 MW
Force: |
2,600,000 N
PCU: |
Size: |
Time to Build: |
50 sec
Data Controls:
[edit] [purge] (?)
The Large Flat Atmospheric Thruster, nicknamed Large Flatmo, is a more compact variant of the Large Atmospheric Thruster with the same atmospheric flight functionality. See also Flat Atmospheric Thruster.
Flat Atmo Thrusters are ideal to build compact planetary drones, shuttles, or lightweight scouts.
The lift ratio of the flat compared to the full atmo thruster is about 1/3 for small and 1/2.5 for large ones:
Lift comparison flat versus full atmo thruster[1]
Atmo Thruster |
S Flat |
S Full |
L Flat |
L Full
Small |
32 kN |
96 kN |
200 kN |
648 kN
Large |
230 kN |
576 kN |
2.6 MN |
6.48 MN
The square shaped variant
Icon Block Flat Atmospheric Thruster (D Shape).png
The Flatmo has less than half the component cost and uses less power, but is also less robust and has only 1/3 of the lift of a full Atmo Thruster.
Just as with all other thrusters, there are four blocks: A large Flat Thruster versus regular sized Flat Thrusters, and both exist for small grid and for large grid.
Flat Atmospheric Thruster D Shape is a shape variant of the Flat Atmospheric Thruster. The Flat Atmospheric Thrusters are circular encased in a square hull, whereas the D shape variant is circular with only one straight side. The circular one has attachment points all around the square frame, while the D Shape only attaches to other blocks only on the straight side.
The recipe below for the Large Flat Atmospheric Thruster (Square or D Shape) for large grids and small grid vessels.
Small Battery, Battery, Small Reactor, Large Reactor, Small Warfare Reactor, Large Warfare Reactor, Solar Panel, Colorable Solar Panel, Wind Turbine, Twin-Blade Wind Turbine, Hydrogen Engine
Medical Room, Corner Medical Room, Survival Kit, Cryo Chamber, Inset Cryo Room, Oxygen Farm, Air Vent, Air Vent Full, Air Vent Fan, Air Vent Fan Full
Interior Light, Offset Light, Spotlight, Offset Spotlight, Inset Light, Light Panel, Corner Light, Corner Light - Double
Basic Refinery, Refinery, Basic Assembler, Assembler, Drill, Grinder Block, Welder Block, Projector, O2/H2 Generator, Yield Module, Power Efficiency Module, Speed Module Command and Control
Cockpit, Fighter Cockpit, Control Station, Flight Seat, Helm, Saddle Cockpit, Saddle Cockpit Compact, Cab Cockpit, Buggy Cockpit, Rover Cockpit, Industrial Cockpit, Passenger Seat
Control Panel, Control Panel Pedestal, Vertical Button Panel, Sci-Fi One-Button Terminal, Sci-Fi Four-Button Panel, Sci-Fi Control Panel, Button Panel, Inset Button Panel, Button Panel Pedestal, Remote Control, Custom Turret Controller, Action Relay
Sensor, Automaton Sensor, Timer Block, AI Basic, AI Recorder, AI Flight, AI Defensive, AI Offensive, Event Controller, Programmable Block Communications
Antenna, Laser Antenna, Compact Antenna, Beacon, Round Beacon, Ore Detector, Camera, Top Mounted Camera, Sound Block, Broadcast Controller
Text Panel, LCD Panel, Corner LCD, Wide LCD Panel, Transparent LCD, Sci-Fi LCD Panel, Holo LCD, Inset LCD Panel, Sloped LCD Panel, Curved LCD Panel Defense and Offense
Gatling Gun, Reloadable Rocket Launcher, Rocket Launcher, Artillery, Autocannon, Assault Cannon, Railgun, Warhead, Explosive Barrel
Gatling Turret, Rocket Turret, Artillery Turret, Autocannon Turret, Assault Cannon Turret, Decoy, Interior Turret, Safe Zone, Mobility
Atmospheric Thruster, Large Atmospheric Thruster, Ion Thruster, Large Ion Thruster, Hydrogen Thruster, Large Hydrogen Thruster, Jump Drive, Gyroscope, Parachute Hatch,
(Short) Wheel Suspension 1x1, (Short) Wheel Suspension 2x2, (Short) Wheel Suspension 3x3, (Short) Wheel Suspension 5x5, Offroad Wheels Inventory Management
Large Cargo Container, Medium Cargo Container, Small Cargo Container, Oxygen Tank, Hydrogen Tank, Small Hydrogen Tank, Store, Contracts Block
Connector/Ejector, Small Connector/Ejector, Collector, Conveyor Sorter, Small Conveyor Sorter, Conveyor Frame, Conveyor Converter,
Conveyor Junction, Conveyor Tube (Reinforced), Curved Conveyor Tube (Reinforced), Conveyor Tube T Junction (Reinforced); Small Conveyor, Small Conveyor Tube (Reinforced), Small Curved Conveyor Tube (Reinforced), Small Conveyor Tube T Junction (Reinforced), Industrial Conveyor Pipes Mechanics, Magnetism, Gravity