Stacked Barrels

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Stacked Barrels
Icon Block Stacked Barrels.png

Function: Crates left scattered around, indicating hard working engineers hav...
DLC? DecorativeBlocks3

Fits large grid
Mass: 1802 kg
Hitpoints: 7640
PCU: 10
Size: 1x1x1
Time to Build: 22 sec

Data Controls: [purge] (?))

Stacked Barrels are part of set of decorative barrel blocks with small inventories. You can only build these blocks if you have purchased the Decorative Pack 3 DLC.

A similar looking block is the red Explosive Barrel which is functionally a small Warhead.


If you do not have the components to build a cargo container, but you have at least one Icon Item Large Steel Tube.png Large Steel Tube, you can build barrels to increase your storage.

Click the circle on top of the barrel to access a small inventory.


Stacked Barrels exist for large grid only. In contrast to cargo containers, they have no conveyor ports to be connected to a Conveyor system. Make sure the top port is accessible when you place it.


The Stacked Barrels has an inventory of 10,000 L. When it is destroyed, it does not drop a Temporary Container.



Icon Block Stacked Barrels.png Stacked Barrels
ComponentLarge Ship/Station
Large Ship/Station
Small Ship
Small Ship
Icon Item Steel Plate.png Steel Plate4010
Icon Item Metal Grid.png Metal Grid4
Icon Item Large Steel Tube.png Large Steel Tube10
Icon Item Girder.png Girder8
Icon Item Construction Comp..png Construction Comp.60

Decorative Blocks