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Icon Block ATM.png

Category: Functional
Function: An automatic teller machine
to deposit and withdraw
space credits

Fits large grid
Mass: 642.0 kg
Power: 0.002 MW
PCU: 10
Size: 1x1x1
Time to Build: 15 sec

Data Controls: [edit] [purge] (?)

The ATM Block is an Automated Teller Machine (cash machine). You can build this block only if you purchased the Economy Deluxe Pack DLC.


How does economy work?

All Engineers have their own space bank account that they can access directly through the ATM block. At an ATM you can check your account balance, and deposit or withdraw money. The currency is space credits.

Note: Faction members additionally have a shared faction account that cannot be accessed through an ATM.

How to transfer space credits

To interact with the ATM:

  1. Targeting it and press F key or Left-click its screen.
    The ATM displays the inventory of the current player, including how much of the total volume is in use.
  2. Verify whether you have enough free inventory capacity to withdraw space credit items. They are tiny but, for example, 1000 SC take up 1L of space.
  3. Check your current balance in SC.
    • To withdraw cash, enter an amount in the Cashback line, then click the Withdraw button.
      The ATM places the amount of space credit items in your inventory.
    • To deposit cash, enter an amount in the Cashback line, then click the Deposit button.
      You can only deposit as much money into your account as you have space credit items in your inventory.

To enter an amount, you can also use the plus and minus buttons next to the right of the Cashback field.

How to transfer space credits without the DLC

You only need the DLC to build the ATM block. You can use the ATM if it has been built by another player who gives you permissions, or if it is part of neutral or allied bases or NPC Trading Outposts.

If you haven't bought the DLC and don't have access to an ATM block in your game:

  • You can always check your balance in your own inventory (above the values for Mass and Volume).
  • You can always withdraw and deposit money through the non-DLC Store block.


You can build the block only on large grids and stations. It has one mount point on its backside and no conveyor ports.


Icon Block ATM.png ATM
ComponentLarge Ship/Station
Large Ship/Station
Small Ship
Small Ship
Icon Item Steel Plate.png Steel Plate1010
Icon Item Motor.png Motor2
Icon Item Display.png Display4
Icon Item Construction Comp..png Construction Comp.20
Icon Item Computer.png Computer10