Access Panel 3

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Access Panel 3
Icon Block Access Panel 3.png

Category: Decorative
Function: A decorative lid or hatch

Fits small grid
Mass: 39 kg
PCU: 5
Size: 1x2x1
Time to Build: 6 sec

Fits large grid
Mass: 73.6 kg
PCU: 5
Size: 1x1x1
Time to Build: 10 sec

Data Controls: [edit] [purge] (?)

The Access Panel 3 is a decorative block. You can only build it if you have purchased the Automatons Pack DLC.


The Access Panel 3 has an animated lid that you can click to open and reveal non-functional decorative electronical elements. Additionally, the large grid version contains a functional Button.


In the game files, Access Panel blocks are called maintenance panels.


Access Panels exist in four variants for large and small grid. They are not airtight.


Icon Block Access Panel 3.png Access Panel 3
ComponentLarge Ship/Station
Large Ship/Station
Small Ship
Small Ship
Icon Item Small Steel Tube.png Small Steel Tube1
Icon Item Interior Plate.png Interior Plate31
Icon Item Construction Comp..png Construction Comp.5322
Icon Item Computer.png Computer3