Dead Engineer

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Dead Engineer
Icon Block Dead Engineer.png

Fits large grid
Mass: 31 kg
PCU: 10
Size: 1x1x1
Time to Build: 10 sec

Data Controls: [edit] [purge] (?)

The Dead Engineer is a decorative block that looks like a passed-out player character. You can only build it if you have purchased the Frostbite Pack DLC, but anyone can use it.


The Dead Engineer has a small inventory of 400L. This decorational blocks is intended for scenarios to mark battle fields or dangerous locations. The astronauts look like they could be dead, wounded, or unconscious, their suits are battered and their visors cracked. Scenario creators can leave Datapads, weapons, or other items in the Dead Engineers' backpacks for exploring players to find.


The game files also contain a "Dead Astronaut" block which was used in scenarios before. It looks very similar to the Dead Engineer but the skeletal skull was visible. The Dead Astronaut cannot be found on the G menu.



This block is only available for large grid. It can be colored but does not accept textures.

This non-functional block comes in six variants:

  1. Sitting slumped down and forward
  2. Lying on left side, face plate visible
  3. Lying face down
  4. Lying on back
  5. Lying on right side, face plate covered
  6. Sitting leaning backwards


Icon Block Dead Engineer.png Dead Engineer
ComponentLarge Ship/Station
Large Ship/Station
Small Ship
Small Ship
Icon Item Radio-comm Comp..png Radio-comm Comp.1
Icon Item Display.png Display1
Icon Item Bulletproof Glass.png Bulletproof Glass1