Saberoid Plushie

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Saberoid Plushie
Icon Block Saberoid Plushie.png

Category: Decorative
Fits small grid
Mass: 1 kg
Power: N/A MW
PCU: 1
Size: 1x1x1
Time to Build: 3 sec

Data Controls: [edit] [purge] (?)

The Saberoid Plushie is a decorative Saberoids-shaped block for small grid. At the same time, it is also a non-craftable Component.


This block is "An advanced motivational device of pristine quality." For a block with similar usage, see Engineer Plushie.


You need the plushie component in your inventory, and the plushie block selected in your G-Menu. Note: The plushie component cannot be crafted in an Assembler, only found or traded.

  1. Press G key to open the Tool Bar Config.
  2. Select the plushie block and add it to your toolbar.
  3. Make sure you have the plushie component in your inventory.
  4. Select the toolbar slot and LMB click to place the plushie block.

The block is colorable but cannot have armor skins. It has one mount point on the bottom.


This block is based on the real-life Saberoid Plushie which is based on the Sabiroid NPC.

It is sometimes spelled Saberoid and sometimes Sabiroid, depending on how much the hands of the engineers tremble at their sight.



Icon Block Saberoid Plushie.png Saberoid Plushie
ComponentLarge Ship/Station
Large Ship/Station
Small Ship
Small Ship
Icon Item Sabiroid Plushie.png Sabiroid Plushie1
  • In Survival Mode, the plushie component cannot be assembled from materials nor disassembled into materials.
  • If you grind a built plushie block down, you get the plushie component back.
  • In Creative Mode, you can place the plushie block from the G menu.
  • Admins can spawn in the plushie component for others to place.
Spoiler: How to obtain the component?

The component can rarely be bought from Economy stations, and can randomly be found in the cargo of Unknown Signals.