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Icon Block Door.png

Category: Structural
Fits small grid
Mass: 456.4 kg
PCU: 115
Size: 5x4x1
Time to Build: 14 sec

Fits large grid
Mass: 582.4 kg
PCU: 115
Size: 1x1x1
Time to Build: 20 sec

Data Controls: [edit] [purge] (?)

A Icon Block Door.png Door is a structural airtight block.

Several size and shape variants exist, such as Sliding Door, Offset Door, Gate, and Sci-Fi Sliding Door (Sparks of the Future DLC only).


If you have (faction-shared) ownership of the door grid, you can open the Door's Control Panel Screen.

  • Anyone with access to the control panel can click the Open and Closed buttons remotely.
  • To prevent passers-by from using doors, toggle them off in the Control Panel Screen.
    For example, to prevent users from accidentally venting the station while the airlocks are cycling.
  • If the door is toggled on:
    • Owner and faction members can open and close a door by targeting its keypad and pressing the interact key F key, or by Left-clicking the wings of the door.
    • To allow enemies and neutrals to open doors as well, enable the Anyone Can Use check box.

Doors often do no longer let you pass if the blocks surrounding them are deformed.

Best Practices

When you walk through certain doors often, or if the doors are part of an airlock, it is worth setting up a Sensor, or even an Automatic Door Opening/Closing System.

Also, doors are a pain to get through in low gravity. With the jetpack, use Q key and E key to rotate yourself upright to for through, or land on the floor in front of the door and press X key to switch to the Magnetic Boots before you walk through.

In Survival Mode, ships that do not have power or that are owned by enemies not let you use their doors. If you are trying to exit/enter, you will have to use the Grinder to hack doors to take ownership, or slowly grind through closed doors to destroy them — or grind through any light armor blocks next to the doors, which is faster... Or, to breach an enemy door, drop one magazin or explosives on the doorstep and shoot it from a distance.


Doors originally existed for large grid only but a small grid variant was added as part of the free Sparks of the Future update. On small grid, Doors are 1 block thick, 4 blocks tall, and 5 blocks wide. To be airtight, surround them on the four non-door sides with airtight blocks (optimally, heavy armour blocks for security, but that's not mandatory).

Doors will only open or close if the grid has power.


Icon Block Door.png Door
ComponentLarge Ship/Station
Large Ship/Station
Small Ship
Small Ship
Icon Item Steel Plate.png Steel Plate86
Icon Item Small Steel Tube.png Small Steel Tube44
Icon Item Motor.png Motor22
Icon Item Interior Plate.png Interior Plate4644
Icon Item Display.png Display11
Icon Item Construction Comp..png Construction Comp.15251020
Icon Item Computer.png Computer22