Sliding Door

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Sliding Door
Icon Block Sliding Door.png

Category: Structural
Fits large grid
Mass: 1065.4 kg
PCU: 115
Size: 1x1x1
Time to Build: 20 sec

Data Controls: [edit] [purge] (?)

The Sliding Door is a structural block.


Sliding Door is a variant of the door that was added to the game in order to create variety when building. What makes this door variant nifty is that it's surrounded by airtight walls, hence two of them together (with the doors facing outwards) are often used as Airlocks. The wings of the door are flush on the block edge, allowing for more air space to stand in. It also comes with windows for peering out.



This door type is large grid only, there is no small grid variant. It takes up 1x1x1 blocks of space. The door does require power to function and takes long to hack. Oddly enough, as long as the door is powered, closed, and welded up to its functional level (that is, without bulletproof glass), it will remain airtight despite not having glass panes.


Icon Block Sliding Door.png Sliding Door
ComponentLarge Ship/Station
Large Ship/Station
Small Ship
Small Ship
Icon Item Steel Plate.png Steel Plate515
Icon Item Small Steel Tube.png Small Steel Tube4
Icon Item Motor.png Motor4
Icon Item Display.png Display1
Icon Item Construction Comp..png Construction Comp.1525
Icon Item Computer.png Computer2
Icon Item Bulletproof Glass.png Bulletproof Glass15