Automatic Door Opening/Closing System

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(Originally by Dabeast5801)

To make doors open and close automatically, you need three types of blocks:

  1. Light Armor Block
  2. Door Of Your Choice
  3. Sensor


  1. Build the structure that you want to put the door on.
  2. Place the door in a location of your choice.
  3. Place the sensor within 1 block of the door. It doesn't matter on which axis, be it x, y, or z

Configuring The Door

This is a fairly simple process, that will require a little testing to make sure it works. In rare cases, if the sensor block is not in reach of your character, Hydrogen Bottles for your jetpack, which can be made in the assembler.

  1. Open the Sensor Control Panel Screen.
  2. Go to the "Set Up Actions" tab, and find the door that is next to your sensor on the grid.
  3. Click and drag the door into the first spot on the actions toolbar, then select the open/close option in the Door's action menu.
  4. Press ESCAPE key to return to the Sensor Control Panel Screen.
  5. Select the trigger for the door.
    For example neutral or friendly players
  6. Configure the sensor range for your environment.
    For help, see How to see the sensor range,

You're done!

Have fun with your automtic doors! This tutorial is Survival and Creative compatible, so don't worry about turning on Creative Tools.