Magnetic Boots

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Magnetic boots are part of the standard suit equipment for every Space Engineer. These boots allow the player to stick to a surface in environments that lack gravity, and walking on the hull or ceiling of a spaceship is one of the unique things that you can do in Space Engineers.

Magnetic Boots come in many looks, but they all function the same.

Magboots turn off in gravity and as soon as the player uses their Jetpack. The default toggle key is X key. Magnetic boots are best activated by approaching a surface feet first, and then turning off the jetpack. If you find yourself drifting in mid air, you were not close enough to a surface to magnetise: In this case, toggle the jetpack on again, move your feet closer, and try toggling again.

With magnetic boots on, the player is able to walk on any surface in zero gravity, including asteroids, station and spaceship hulls, floors, ceiling, and walls, and blocks with appropriate surfaces; but not trees or items. If thruster damage is enabled in the World Settings, be careful of lethal thruster plumes during extra-vehicular activities.

When the ship engages its jump drives, engineers using magnetic boots are left behind.