Construction Component

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The Construction Component or Construction Comp. is a component item used the in construction of a vast array of blocks.

It is simple to produce already in early game with a Survival Kit. Its usages range from Interior Lights to the Refinery, block weapons, decorative furniture, and many functional blocks like buttons, PBs, and LCDs.

Item construction components.png


Construction Components are used in constructing the following blocks:

  • AI Basic (Task)
  • AI Defensive (Combat)
  • AI Flight (Move)
  • AI Offensive (Combat)
  • AI Recorder (Task)
  • ATM
  • Advanced Rotor
  • Advanced Rotor 3x3
  • Air Vent
  • Air Vent Fan
  • Air Vent Fan Full
  • Air Vent Full
  • Airtight Hangar Doors
  • All Access Panels
  • All Colorable Solar Panels
  • All Conveyor Pipes
  • All Corner LCDs
  • All Corner Lights
  • All Desks
  • All Grated Catwalks and Stairs
  • All Hinges
  • All Neon Tubes
  • All Passages
  • All Railings
  • All Steel Catwalks
  • All Warning Signs
  • All Wheel Suspensions
  • All Wheels
  • All Willis Ducts
  • All Window Walls
  • Angled Interior Wall A
  • Angled Interior Wall B
  • Anniversary Statue
  • Antenna
  • Antenna Dish
  • Armory
  • Armory Lockers
  • Artificial Mass
  • Artillery
  • Artillery Turret
  • Assault Cannon
  • Assault Cannon Turret
  • Assembler
  • Atmospheric Thruster
  • Autocannon
  • Autocannon Turret
  • Automaton Programmable Block
  • Automaton Sensor
  • Automaton Timer Block
  • Barred Window
  • Barred Window Face
  • Barred Window Side
  • Barred Window Slope
  • Barrel
  • Basic Assembler
  • Basic Refinery
  • Bathroom
  • Battery
  • Beacon
  • Bed
  • Buggy Cockpit
  • Button Panel
  • Button Panel Pedestal
  • Cab Cockpit
  • Cargo Crate
  • Cockpit
  • Collector
  • Connector
  • Console Block
  • Contracts
  • Control Panel
  • Control Panel Pedestal
  • Control Seat
  • Control Station
  • Conveyor Cap
  • Conveyor Cap Medium
  • Conveyor Converter
  • Conveyor Frame
  • Conveyor Junction
  • Conveyor Sorter
  • Conveyor Tube
  • Conveyor Tube T Junction
  • Corner Couch
  • Corner Medical Room
  • Couch
  • Cover Walls
  • Cryo Chamber
  • Curved Conveyor Tube
  • Curved LCD Panel
  • Custom Turret Controller
  • Cylindrical Column
  • Decoy
  • Diagonal Window
  • Dispenser
  • Door
  • Drill
  • Embrasure
  • Emotion Controller
  • Event Controller
  • Exhaust Pipe
  • Explosive Barrel
  • Fighter Cockpit
  • Fire Cover
  • Fire Cover Corner
  • Firework Launcher
  • Flat Atmospheric Thruster
  • Flat Atmospheric Thruster D Shape
  • Flight Seat
  • Freight 1
  • Freight 2
  • Freight 3
  • Gate
  • Gatling Gun
  • Gatling Turret
  • Gravity Generator
  • Grinder
  • Gyroscope
  • Half Bed
  • Half Bed Open
  • Half Cover Wall
  • Half Cover Wall Mirrored
  • Half Sliding Hatch Door
  • Heat Vent
  • Helm
  • Holo LCD
  • Hydrogen Engine
  • Hydrogen Tank
  • Hydrogen Thruster
  • Industrial Assembler
  • Industrial Cockpit
  • Industrial Conveyor Sorter
  • Industrial Hydrogen Tank
  • Industrial Hydrogen Thruster
  • Industrial Large Hydrogen Thruster
  • Industrial Refinery
  • Inset Aquarium
  • Inset Bed
  • Inset Bookshelf
  • Inset Button Panel
  • Inset Couch
  • Inset Cryo Room
  • Inset Entertainment Corner
  • Inset Kitchen
  • Inset LCD Panel
  • Inset Light
  • Interior Light
  • Interior Pillar
  • Interior Turret
  • Interior Wall
  • Ion Thruster
  • Jukebox
  • Jump Drive
  • Kitchen
  • LCD Panel
  • Lab Equipment
  • Ladder
  • Ladder Shaft
  • Landing Gear
  • Large Atmospheric Thruster
  • Large Cargo Container
  • Large Flat Atmospheric Thruster
  • Large Flat Atmospheric Thruster D Shape
  • Large Hydrogen Thruster
  • Large Industrial Cargo Container
  • Large Ion Thruster
  • Large Magnetic Plate
  • Large Reactor
  • Large Warfare Ion Thruster
  • Large Warfare Reactor
  • Laser Antenna
  • Light Panel
  • Lockers
  • Magnetic Plate
  • Medical Room
  • Medical Station
  • Medium Cargo Container
  • Medium Conveyor Tube
  • Merge Block
  • O2/H2 Generator
  • Offset Door
  • Offset Light
  • Offset Spotlight
  • Ore Detector
  • Oxygen Farm
  • Oxygen Tank
  • Parachute Hatch
  • Passenger Bench
  • Passenger Seat
  • Passenger Seat Offset
  • Pipeworks A
  • Pipeworks B
  • Piston
  • Planters
  • Power Efficiency Module
  • Programmable Block
  • Programmable Block
  • Projector
  • Railgun
  • Ramp
  • Refinery
  • Reinforced Conveyor Tube
  • Reinforced Conveyor Tube T Junction
  • Reinforced Curved Conveyor Tube
  • Reloadable Rocket Launcher
  • Remote Control
  • Rocket Launcher
  • Rocket Turret
  • Rotating Light
  • Rotor
  • Round Beacon
  • Rover Cockpit
  • Saddle Cockpit
  • Saddle Cockpit Compact
  • Safe Zone
  • Scaffold Block Ladder
  • Sci-Fi Atmospheric Thruster
  • Sci-Fi Atmospheric Thruster
  • Sci-Fi Bar Counter
  • Sci-Fi Bar Counter Corner
  • Sci-Fi Control Panel
  • Sci-Fi Four-Button Panel
  • Sci-Fi Interior Wall
  • Sci-Fi Ion Thruster
  • Sci-Fi Ion Thruster
  • Sci-Fi LCD Panel 3x3
  • Sci-Fi LCD Panel 5x3
  • Sci-Fi LCD Panel 5x5
  • Sci-Fi Large Atmospheric Thruster
  • Sci-Fi Large Atmospheric Thruster
  • Sci-Fi Large Ion Thruster
  • Sci-Fi Large Ion Thruster
  • Sci-Fi One-Button Terminal
  • Sci-Fi Sliding Door
  • Searchlight
  • Sensor
  • Shower
  • Sliding Door
  • Sliding Hatch Door
  • Sloped LCD Panel
  • Small Battery
  • Small Cargo Container
  • Small Connector
  • Small Conveyor
  • Small Conveyor Sorter
  • Small Conveyor Tube
  • Small Conveyor Tube T Junction
  • Small Curved Conveyor Tube
  • Small Hydrogen Tank
  • Small Merge Block
  • Small Reactor
  • Small Reinforced Conveyor Tube
  • Small Reinforced Conveyor Tube T Junction
  • Small Reinforced Curved Conveyor Tube
  • Small Warfare Reactor
  • Solar Panel
  • Sound Block
  • Space Ball
  • Speed Module
  • Spherical Gravity Generator
  • Spotlight
  • Stacked Barrels
  • Stairs
  • Storage Shelf 1
  • Store
  • Survival Kit
  • Text Panel
  • Three Barrels
  • Timer Block
  • Toilet
  • Toilet Seat
  • Transparent LCD
  • Twin-blade Wind Turbine
  • Vending Machine
  • Vertical Button Panel
  • Vertical Window
  • Viewport 1
  • Viewport 2
  • Walkable Half Scaffold Block
  • Walkable Scaffold Block
  • Walkable Scaffold Block Corner
  • Walkable Scaffold Block Corner Inv.
  • Warfare Battery
  • Warfare Gatling Gun
  • Warfare Ion Thruster
  • Warfare Rocket Launcher
  • Warhead
  • Weapon Rack
  • Welder
  • Wide LCD Panel
  • Wind Turbine
  • Yield Module