Space Engineers Utilities

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Space Engineers Utilities (SEUT) is an addon for Blender version 4.0 and higher. It allows the user to export models into the Space Engineers MWM file-format and provides an extensive set of functionalities to create such a model in the first place.



  • Full Blender 4.0+ support using collections to organize models.
  • Simple Navigation to easily edit models one collection at a time.
  • Robust error handling, log export and extensive feedback to help you avoid issues further down the road and inform you if and what is the problem.
  • Thorough documentation and tutorialization of all functionality.
  • Full support for multiple scenes per BLEND file.
  • Set the grid scale to preset Space Engineers values to easily see the size of your model.
  • Get notified of updates to the addon via update notifications.
  • Streamlined installation & updating process.
  • QuickTools to streamline and simplify common modelling tasks.


  • Use Bounding Box Mode to define the bounding box of your model.
  • Mirroring Mode allows for easy setup of mirroring for blocks.
  • By using Mountpoint Mode the user can define the mountpoints on a block in a straightforward manner.
  • Use Icon Render Mode to easily create icons for your blocks in the style of vanilla Space Engineers blocks.


  • Import Space Engineers FBX files through the addon to automatically display its materials in Blender.
  • Structure Conversion functionality allows for easy conversion of BLEND files created with the old 2.7x plugin to the new format.
  • Import materials from Space Engineers FBX files or material libraries.


  • Displays most vanilla Space Engineers materials directly in Blender.
  • Contains Material Libraries with most vanilla materials, ready to apply to new models and available through the Asser Browser.
  • Create your own Space Engineers materials.
  • Create your own Material Libraries.
  • Support for the display and creation of TransparentMaterials.
  • Texture Conversion utility to convert materials to and from the DDS format.


  • Subparts are instanced into other scenes to show how the model will look ingame.
  • Easily create and manage empties for different purposes by selecting from exhaustive lists.


  • Define LOD Distances to set from which distance your LOD models are displayed.
  • Export simultaneously to large and small grids.
  • Directly export to MWM-format, ready to be loaded into the game.
  • Additional definitions are exported to a CubeBlocks file.
  • Full support for creating character models and character poses & animations.


Please follow the SEUT Installation Guide here.


Blender Addon
Item Version Blender Link
Space Engineers Utilities 1.2.0 4.1.0+ DOWNLOAD
Space Engineers Utilities Latest Development Version
Additional Required Tools
Item Version Link
Havok Content Tools 2013 64bit (x64) DOWNLOAD
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 DOWNLOAD
Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 32bit (x86) DOWNLOAD

SEUT furthermore requires the Space Engineers ModSDK, which is available on Steam. Find it by activating Tools in your Steam Library:

SDK Install.png

And then download it:

Install SDK 2.png

Tutorials & Reference

Tutorials explain how to do something to achieve an express purpose while using the available tools.

A reference page allows you to look up what something does.


The first step should always be to gather more information on exactly what went wrong. In the case of SEUT, if there is no error popup, this means checking the SEUT Notifications-screen. There you can filter all notifications by type and thus should be able to easily find errors and warnings. Errors in that screen also contain a button with a link to the list below, which provides solutions to fix all errors. Should no relevant error or warning be listed in the SEUT Notifications-screen, click the Export Logs-button and look at those.

If you cannot find an answer to your issue, or if you find something marked Traceback in your log files, your next step should be to search through the open GitHub issues here. If you cannot find an issue pertaining your particular case, feel free to open up a new issue, including your full logs.

Read up on all SEUT Notifications, their meaning and ways to resolve them on the SEUT Notifications page.


  • enenra - Main developer and author of most of the functionality.
  • Stollie - So much general help but also writing everything character, export and MWM-related, which I wouldn’t have been able to do at all.
  • Harag - Writing the original Blender SE plugin. A lot of code in this addon is based on his.
  • Wizard Lizard - For hours of testing as well as writing the SE Texture Converter to save us all from having to deal with batch files.
  • Kamikaze (Blender Discord) - Writing the remapMaterials()-function and generally helping out constantly by answering a lot of questions.

… and many, many more.