Empty Properties

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The Empty Properties Menu allows the user to select the target object or scene for certain types of empties. It can be found in the Object Properties-menu on the right hand side of the screen, under Object Data Properties when the active object is a valid empty.

Seut empty properties.png

Subpart Empty

Seut empty properties 1.png

Subpart Scene

This option becomes available if the active object is a subpart empty. Clicking it brings up a list of all scenes of the scene type Subpart to select from and link the empty with.

Highlight Empty

Seut empty properties 2.png

Highlight Objects

This option becomes available if the active object is a highlight empty.


Clicking it adds a slot for an object in the list below. Clicking the empty entry brings up a list of all objects in the scene to select from and link the empty with. Clicking the minus-symbol next to a slot removes the entry. Refer to the  Highlight Empty Tutorial to learn how to use these empties.